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The UHMS STEM Scholarship provides individuals with ​registration-free admittance to the AsMA-UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).

STEM scholarships are awarded to students in a degree-granting program in science, technology, ​engineering, or math.

Undergraduate Students

  • Must be in 2nd year or higher to apply
  • Submit your application online, including:
  • A 300-word essay Proof of enrollment
  • A Letter of Recommendation

Graduate Students
  • Must be enrolled in a PhD program
  • Submit your application online, including:
  • A 300-word essay
  • Proof of enrollment A Letter of Recommendation from PhD advisor
  • Confirmation of abstract submission Please refer to “UHMS Call for Abstracts”[Must be accepted to qualify]

Candidates must complete an application and a 300-word essay. Additional eligibility criteria are outlined in the flier below. At ​the conclusion of the meeting, candidates are required to complete ​an exit interview and a survey on their experience.

STEM scholars can expect to shadow top scientists and ​physicians in academia and medicine, complete projects and ​summaries.

  • Participants can expect to increase their knowledge of how ​humans perform in undersea environments utilizing various gas ​mixtures and the risks associated with operating in extreme ​environments.
  • Participants will also increase their knowledge of clinical ​hyperbaric medicine and how increased pressures and oxygen ​can improve patient outcomes in certain disease states, ​conditions, and traumatic injuries.
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