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Approved UHMS Introductory Courses

Important Notice (August 17, 2022): 

At our last Education Committee meeting in Reno, Nevada, May 23, 2022, the Education Committee voted to approve the livestream option indefinitely for UHMS-Designated Introductory 40-Hour Training Courses. While the format change was met with some challenges, the livestream format proved that our virtual educational programs could still be effective, maintain the UHMS quality and standards, and allow access to more learners who might not have been able to travel to be in-person. This approval does not come easy, as it is imperative that we evolve all components of our ICHM standards to ensure they maintain the highest quality, keep positive engagement with learners, and guarantee that objectives and needs are met with the livestream option, in the same way it was presented in person. The UHMS still does not recognize Introductory Training to be hosted in an online enduring material platform. While the UHMS now recognizes the livestream option indefinitely, it is up to each certifying organization and the individual facilities to determine their own credentialing requirements and policies.

What is a UHMS Designated Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine?

UHMS approved introductory course training is expected to require a minimum of 40 hours of face-to-face or livestream hyperbaric medicine specific instruction, formal assessment upon completion, familiarization with hyperbaric equipment/operations, and must be documented by a certificate of completion. A UHMS-Designated Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine shall cover the following elements: Historical Considerations, Physics of Hyperbaric Exposure, Mechanisms of hyperbaric oxygen, Air Decompression Procedures, UHMS Accepted Indications: Their Scientific Basis and Treatment Protocols, Side Effects and Contraindications, Patient Assessment and Management, Hyperbaric Chamber Systems, Hyperbaric Safety and Emergency Procedures, Administrative/ Management Issues, Familiarization with Hyperbaric Equipment/Operations, and a final examination and evaluation.

A UHMS Designated Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine is designed to introduce physicians, nurses and technicians to the theory and practice of hyperbaric medicine. On May 21, 1998 the UHMS Board of Directors established the minimum content, duration, and quality of a UHMS Designated Introductory Course.

Basic Considerations for Determining the Elements

In establishing the minimum content and duration of a UHMS Designated Introductory Course, the Education Committee considered the following items:

  • Consideration 1

    A physician practicing hyperbaric medicine should be a fully licensed MD or DO who has been granted privileges in hyperbaric medicine by the medical staff of the hospital in which hyperbaric oxygen therapy is being performed.

  • Consideration 2

    Completion of a UHMS‑Designated Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine does not credential or imply credentialing of a physician, nurse or technician to practice hyperbaric medicine. Being qualified in the hyperbaric medicine specialty requires additional specialized training.

  • Consideration 4

    Basic medical skills on management of medical emergencies are outside the scope of a UHMS‑Designated Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine, so physicians must either possess or acquire these skills apart from the Introductory Course.

  • Consideration 5

    Physicians trained in the practice of hyperbaric medicine have the same education requirements regardless of the type of chamber, e.g., monoplace or multiplace.

  • Consideration 6

    The UHMS will continue to provide Physician CME Activities beyond the Introductory Hyperbaric Medicine Course to aid physicians in meeting their ongoing CME requirement to maintain their credentials in hyperbaric medicine (as established by hospitals or specialty boards).

Additional guidelines for training, credentialing and staffing can be found in the UHMS Guidelines for Hyperbaric Facility Operations.

Hyperbaric Medicine Team Training

International ATMO – San Antonio, Texas 
Paul Sheffield, Director

41 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ / physicians
41 contact hours – Texas Nurses Association
National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology Approved Hyperbaric Medicine Training Course

Phone: +210-614-3688

Upcoming 2025 course dates (please check host organization website for current dates as they may change):
April 7-11
May 5-9
June 16-20
July 7-11
August 11-15
September 8-12
October 20-24
November 10-14
December 8-12

Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine

Wound Care Education Partners – Travels on-site and livestream

Credits: 45 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ / physicians (includes required enduring material pre-course)
40 contact hours by the Florida Board of Nursing 
40 Category A credit hours credit hours by the NBDHMT 
National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology Approved Hyperbaric Medicine Training Course

Phone: +561-776-6066

Upcoming 2025 dates (check host organization website as new dates are frequently added):
(LIVESTREAM) Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine - April 2-5, 2025
(LIVESTREAM) Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine - April 30 - May 3, 2025
(LIVESTREAM) Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine - June 20-21 & 27-28, 2025

Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care

Physicians Unity, PA (San Antonio, TX)
Marcus Gitterle, MD, FACCWS, Course Director

CME hours: 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ / physicians 
ANCC CNE Hours: 40
National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology Approved Hyperbaric Medicine Training Course

Chelsea M. Thompson EMT, CHT
HBO Safety Director, Wound Centrics
Cell: 210-667-5478


Upcoming dates for 2025:
April 21-25
May 19-23
June 23-27
August 18-22
September 22-26
October 13-17
November 17-21

All courses are live streaming through Physicians Unity/WOUND CARE UNIVERSITYTM (Call if interested in attending in person in San Antonio, Tx)  

Introductory Hyperbaric Medicine Course

Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Michael Long, RRT, CHT, BScH

Credits: 40 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology Approved Hyperbaric Medicine Training Course

Phone: 416-340-4800 X 3346


Upcoming 2025 Course Date: TBD

Introductory Hyperbaric Training

Poseidon Safety International
Kevan Corson, Director
Credits: 41.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ / physicians
National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology Approved Hyperbaric Medicine Training Course

Phone: (512) 924-4266

Primary Hyperbaric Medicine Course

International ATMO – Conducted on-site per request
Paul Sheffield, Director 

Credits: 40.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ / physicians

Phone: +210-614-3688