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Your Membership Dues are tax deductible as prescribed by law as the UHMS is a 501c3 non-profit Society.

Why Become a Member? What is in it for you?

View our HFA Director, Derall Garett, CHT's, first quarter Pressure column (Member since 2002):
"The other day I received a call from a tech who was interested in becoming a surveyor. As I explained the process and described who and what the UHMS surveyor program -- and the broader Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation program – was all about, I pointed out that one of the requirements for a surveyor is that each team member has to be a UHMS member first. Then the question came: What do I get for my dues?"

Membership Application


6 to 20: 10%; 21 to 50: 15%; 51+: 20%

Individual Membership Categories

Most UHMS members are diving or hyperbaric scientists and physicians. Hyperbaric medicine nurses, technicians, sports, and commercial divers as well as those with an interest in hyperbaric and diving medicine comprise a substantial group of associate members; and the ranks of student members are rapidly expanding.

All Memberships receive online access to a pdf version of our UHM Journal. If you wish to order a Hard Copy of the UHM Journal (ADDITIONAL FEE), once registered and approved, you will need to log-in to the member site and type the following web link into your browser address bar:

As a member of the Society who lives within the U.S., you will be linked with the UHMS Chapter group within your region (Click here to see Chapter Map) to receive emails with news about your region.  Each Chapter has its own webpage, where you can find information on the Chapter leadership and the next Chapter meeting, including the date/location/schedule/registration. We hope you will support your local chapter by attending their meeting. 

Membership is Available at the Following Levels (all fees are annual)
**All membership are non-refundable effective 8/1/2020.**

Associate (A)


Hyperbaric technician, registered nurse, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, undergraduate student, diving supervisor, certified scuba instructor, or other hyperbaric or diving personnel with specialized technical or research backgrounds but who do not possess the academic background for Regular Membership can become Associate Members of the Society. Regular Members (retired) who are 65 or older and are not working can also fall under this category; however they will not have voting rights. Associate Members are not entitled to vote or hold office for the Regular Membership positions on the Board of Directors, but are eligible to vote and hold office for the Associate positions on the Board.

In-Training (IT)


Members shall be physicians (MD or DO) currently in a formal postgraduate training program (internship, residency or fellowship or post-graduate doctoral trainee).

Regular, Government/Military/Academic (RG)


Members shall be doctorate-level health care professionals in active government service, or doctorate-level life sciences professionals in academic or government service.

Regular (R)


Regular Members of the Society shall be physician or doctorate-level health care professionals (MD, DO, PhD, DPM, DDS, or equivalent). This category will include those Associates waived by the BOD as exceptional cases.

Student Membership (S)

$0 Non-paying (must contact

Must submit a letter from the Registrar confirming full-time enrollment and the program the student is currently enrolled in. Must be a full-time student enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in a related field of nursing, medicine or science. Student members will receive online access to the UHM Journal and our membership newsletter, Pressure along with all other membership benefits. This membership type is non-paying and eligibility must be confirmed annually with enrollment information. Student members are not eligible to vote or hold office.  Contact

All levels have an auto-renewal option at a 10% discount

Corporate Partner Categories

UHMS Corporate Partners include a variety of prestigious international and U.S. corporations, associations, health care facilities, foundations, or partnerships in the field of diving and hyperbaric medicine. The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society continues to be dedicated to the progress and advancement of diving, hyperbaric medicine and wound care and we value the allegiance of our sponsors who are also committed to these endeavors. Corporate membership is available to corporations or companies that are supportive of the mission, purpose and goals of UHMS and wish to support our organization financially.

Levels of Corporate Partnership

Diamond Corporate Partner


Five (5) individual memberships, emails sent by UHMS on behalf of the corporate partner, Banner displayed on the Corporate, Vendor, and the UHMS Home pages.

Platinum Corporate Partner


Four (4) individual memberships, emails sent by UHMS on behalf of the corporate partner, Banner displayed on the Corporate and Vendor pages.

Gold Corporate Partner


Three (3) individual memberships, emails sent by UHMS on behalf of the corporate partner, Banner displayed on the Corporate page.

Silver Corporate Partner


Two (2) individual memberships and Banner displayed on the Corporate page.

Bronze Corporate Partner


Logo Displayed on the Corporate page.

Member Benefits/Activities of the UHMS

Start receiving these benefits and much more today!

Benefits of Membership

  • Subscription to UHM Journal PDFs

  • Subscription to Pressure newsletter

  • Associate Town Hall Meeting Members Only Access

  • Industry updates: legislative and regulatory affairs

  • Discounts to UHMS CME/MOC/CEU accredited educational opportunities

  • Discounts for article searches from the Duke University Medical Center Library and Archives

  • MEDFAQs the UHMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) system

  • Three (3) free continuing education credits on our Enduring Materials courses website per year.  

Activities of the UHMS

  • Monitoring regulatory changes for reimbursement of hyperbaric oxygen therapy services (US and International)

  • Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Hyperbaric Medicine

  • Development of credentialing criteria for physician practice

  • Accreditation of hyperbaric chamber facilities

  • Development of chamber operational guidelines

  • Increasing availability of online educational opportunities

  • Annual live educational opportunities, such as: our Scientific, Chapter and various courses

  • Advocacy of high professional standards of practice

  • Representation to federal, state, and local agencies on matters related to efficacy, standards of care, reimbursement, etc.

  • Collaborating with professional stakeholders on a global basis

  • Development of evidence-based indications

  • Development of Hyperbaric & Wound Care Facility Accreditation standards

If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact:

Lisa Tidd
Membership Coordinator
919-490-5140 ext 101