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of the

As amended by a vote of the membership and ratified by the UHMS board of directors on

January 3, 2022

We, the members of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, do hereby amend this Constitution and By-Laws to update the language and to provide a governing document that will serve the Society well in this modern age. We do hereby preserve the intent of our founders by including their preamble in this document with the understanding that the current official preamble is as herein stated. We, the members, shall continue to preserve open communication among our international membership and to foster exchange of medical science in the fields of undersea medicine and hyperbaric medicine. The Society will interact with and provide information to appropriate regulatory agencies to be used in their decision-making processes. The Society will encourage and provide opportunity for publishing scientific papers by providing our membership a professional scientific journal. The Society will also conduct an annual scientific meeting where our membership will be encouraged to present medical research papers, technical information, and relevant other information concerning our fields of medicine. Finally, our Society will foster opportunities for learning of myriad relevant medical subjects in formal classroom settings and, when appropriate, through electronic medium.

In only a few recent years we have seen man climb the highest mountain of this world, probe the greatest depth of its ocean, make earth-orbiting space flights, and prepare to explore the moon. At the same time, no physiological limitation to extending the depth and duration of man's diving has in fact been determined despite intense research following a recently reawakened interest in this area. Continued rapid advance in undersea biomedical exploration will be possible only with close communication between present investigators and a clear call to the professional interests of those not yet engaged in our field.

We the founders of the Undersea Medical Society have intended to establish an international forum for the scientific and technical exchange necessary to the advance of manned undersea activity. It is hoped that this community of interest will stimulate the interdependent growth of basic and applied research and technological development in diving and will improve the depth, duration, effectiveness, and safety of undersea activities to their ultimate limit.

10 April 1967

E.L. Beckman; W.F. Mazzone; J.L. Kinsey; E.H. Ninow; C.J. Lambertsen; R.D. Workman


ARTICLE I - Name of Organization
The name of this society shall be the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Society or UHMS).

ARTICLE II - Objectives
This Society shall be international in scope. Its primary purposes shall be:

  1. To provide a forum for professional scientific communication among individuals and groups involved in basic and applied studies concerned with life sciences and human factors aspects of the undersea environment and hyperbaric medicine.
  2. To promote cooperation between the life sciences and other disciplines concerned with undersea activity, hyperbaric medicine and wound care.
  3. To develop and promote educational activities and other programs, which improve the scientific knowledge of matters related to undersea and hyperbaric environments and the accepted applications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the membership, as well as physicians and allied health professionals, divers, diver technicians and the public at large.
  4. To provide a source of information and support in the clinical practice of hyperbaric medicine and to stay abreast of legislative, legal, and regulatory changes in the field.
  5. To provide a means by which hyperbaric facility directors/owners will have an opportunity to request an accreditation survey of their facility for safety, staffing and verifying the adequacy of the professional medical application of hyperbaric therapy.

ARTICLE III - Membership

  1. Membership in the Society is a privilege, not a right, and is contingent upon compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society and maintenance of high moral and professional character.
  2. Categories of membership are defined by the Board of Directors (see Bylaws, Attachment A).

ARTICLE IV - Regional Chapters, International Affiliates, and Committees
Regional chapters, international affiliates and committees of this Society may be established in a manner authorized by the Board of Directors of the Society.

ARTICLE V - Elected Officers
The elected officers of this Society shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and four (4) Members-at-Large, one of which will be an active duty or reserve member of the US Armed Forces with experience in hyperbaric medicine, from one of the following Branches: Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army, Coast Guard or Public Health Service. Active duty nominations may also come from a branch of another UHMS affiliated member country with majority approval by the BOD. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the Presidency two years after election to the office of President-Elect. The Vice President shall also hold a two-year term after election. All elected officers succeed at the conclusion of the annual scientific meeting.

The President-Elect and the Vice President shall be elected every two years. The Treasurer shall be elected every three (3) years. A Member-at-Large shall be elected annually to serve a two (2) year term of office. Elections will be performed as prescribed in the By-Laws. All officers must be Regular Members of the Society in good standing. The powers and duties of the elected officers are defined and specified in the By-Laws.

ARTICLE VI - Executive Director
An Executive Director of the Society shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and must be a Member of the Society. The Executive Director's duties and responsibilities are defined in the By-Laws and by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall advise the Board of Directors of the Society and be responsible for the day-to-day direction of the headquarters and any satellite offices of the Society. The Executive Director is hired and may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually. The Executive Director shall not be allowed to run for any office of the Society for four (4) years after leaving the position of Executive Director.

ARTICLE VII - Board of Directors
The governing body of the Society shall be the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers of the Society as described in Article V, the past president, and four (4) representatives of the Associate members. One of whom shall be a Technical Associate Representative member, the second the Nurse Associate Representative. The third and fourth positions are non-voting positions and consist of the Technical-Elect and Nurse-Elect Associates. The Associate members of the Board of Directors shall be elected to staggered two-year terms by the Associate membership.

The President of the Society shall serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall comprise the elected officers of the Society. The Board of Directors shall represent the Society in the conduct of all scientific and business affairs, subject to the applicable provisions of the By-Laws. The Executive Director shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors as an Ex-Officio member without voting privileges. The process for transition to constitutionally approved changes in the size, makeup and membership of the Board of Directors shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

The President-elect of the Board of Directors will be the Parliamentarian using Sturgis, Edition IV.

Any member of the Board of Directors absent from three (3) consecutive Board of Directors meetings without a valid excuse will be subject to replacement.

The Society shall hold an annual business and scientific meeting at a time and a place to be selected by the Board of Directors. Other meetings may be convened as the President may specify. These meetings may include teleconferences and/or videoconferences.

Funds of the Society shall consist of income derived from membership dues, grants and contracts, donations, publication sales, and other sources. Annual dues may be levied upon all levels of membership as determined by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall assure that the funds of the Society are collected, disbursed and recorded in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and under the general direction of the Board of Directors in accordance with the By-Laws.

ARTICLE X - Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Board of Directors, or by the petition of 5% of Regular Members in good standing presented to the Board of Directors 30 days prior to a scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The Board of Directors reviews the proposed amendments and considers endorsement of the proposed amendments. If endorsed by a majority of the Board of Directors, the proposed amendments are then distributed to the UHMS membership by the UHMS headquarters for vote of approval or disapproval within 30 days following endorsement by the Board of Directors. Votes received within 30 days of the distribution of ballots will be counted. All Regular Members in good standing shall be eligible to vote. A means of voting electronically shall be provided through the UHMS website; also, a printable form for voting shall be placed on the UHMS website for those members who prefer to fax or mail a paper ballot to the headquarters office. The approval of at least three-fourths of the Regular Members in good standing of the Society, who vote upon the proposed amendments, shall be required for their passage and will take effect immediately.


ARTICLE I - Nominations and Elections
The Society will hold regular elections, with active members eligible to vote. The sequence of elections shall begin with solicitation of the active membership for nominations, which will occur at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting. The process shall occur electronically with links to the nomination and voting sites embedded within emails to the active membership and directly accessible on the UHMS website. Once the nominee applications have been approved by the board of directors after review and submission by the nominations committees, the ballot will be posted on the voting site and accessible once the voting period is officially opened. The official opening of the voting period will be formally announced through emails and on the UHMS website. Both the nomination and voting periods will each be no longer than sixty (60) days.

The President-Elect shall be Chairman of the Nominations Committee, which shall consist of the President-Elect, Past-President, the Executive Director and three Regular Members appointed by the President. The Nominations Committee for the Associates shall be the Committee or Council that represents the Associates’ interests according to their charter. All nominees for elected office in the Society must be members in good standing who complete the application process, which will include a headshot photo of good quality and a biographical sketch (500 word maximum) supporting their candidacy. This sketch will be included on the ballot. Nominees will be allowed to run for one position per election cycle.

The Nominations Committees will have 30 days to review the nominees and ensure that all applications are complete. The Nominating Committee for the Officers and MAL’s shall prepare for approval by the Board of Directors, a slate of nominees for all elected offices of the Society and for replacement of those Members-At-Large of the Board of Directors whose term of office shall end at the conclusion of the annual meeting. Regular members vote exclusively for the board positions consisting of the officers and members-at-large (MALs).

The Nominating Committee for the Associates shall prepare for approval by the Associate Committee or Council, a slate of nominees for the elected positions of the Committee or Council and for the UHMS Associate board representatives. Associate members vote exclusively for the board positions consisting of the Associate directors.

Additional nominations, if sponsored by at least fifty (50) Regular Members in good standing, may be made by petition to the Executive Director of the Society at least one hundred twenty (120) days in advance of the annual business meeting, provided that such petitions include the name of the nominee, the office for which nominated, the nominee's written consent to serve if elected, and the signatures of the fifty (50) sponsors.

At least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting, the Executive Director shall see that the recommendations of the Nominating Committees and all other nominations received by petition are posted on the UHMS website on a form that permits online voting. Also, a printable form of the ballot will be placed on the website in case any member would rather mail or fax their votes to the headquarters office. The voting period will be for 60 days. Email reminders will be sent until the voting period closes. Access to the voting site can be reached both through an embedded link in the emails as well as through the UHMS website. Voting is electronic. Members can only vote once for a given candidate. The polls close and all votes must be received into the UHMS headquarters office at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting. The UHMS voting software program will tabulate the votes and the Executive Director shall arrange for two independent persons who are neither UHMS staff nor Regular Members of the Society to confirm and attest to the winner(s) of the election based on the tabulated results. The Executive Director will notarize the results and will report the outcome to the Chair of the Nominations Committee. Elections shall be determined by plurality, which means the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority.

When the Executive Director receives the notarized results of the vote, that information is communicated to the Nomination Chair and to the Associate Nominating Committee who then will notify all of the candidates including the winners of the election for purposes of their attending the Annual Scientific Meeting of the UHMS. The election results will be disclosed to the attendees of the Annual Scientific Meeting during the President’s address and then again at the Annual Business Meeting and Awards Banquet. The new Officers shall assume office immediately after conclusion of the Annual Scientific Meeting.

Special Circumstances
Tie Vote
In the event of a tie vote for any Board position, there will be a runoff vote between those two candidates. If one of the candidates withdraws, the election will go to the remaining candidate. The regular membership will have two (2) weeks to vote, which will allow for results to be announced at the Annual Scientific Meeting. In the event that this second vote results in another tie, the executive committee, comprised of the President, President-elect and Past President, will determine a winner.

Vacated Board Seat
In the event that a position of the Board of Directors vacates an office for any reason, the President shall appoint the nominee for Member-At-Large who received the next highest number of votes in the immediately preceding election for the remainder of the unexpired term unless the vacated position is that of President. In the event that individual does not desire the position, the President shall offer the appointment to the next nominee, ranked according to votes received in the immediately preceding election, progressing through the list of nominees. In the event that no nominee is available, the President shall appoint a Regular member to fill the vacancy. In the event the President vacates office, the Vice President shall assume the role of the President and a replacement would be appointed for the Vice President.

ARTICLE II - Membership
Eligibility: To be eligible for membership in the Society an applicant must have demonstrated interest in the life sciences and human factors aspects of the undersea environment and hyperbaric medicine. All prospective Members must be of high moral and professional character and abide by the generally accepted standards of ethical practice for their field of endeavor. Only Regular Members in good standing shall vote or hold any Society elected office except for the duly elected representative of the Associate Membership.

Membership categories with their requirements for qualification will be determined by the Board of Directors and will be updated annually and will be posted on the website. Membership categories will be found in Attachment A to the Bylaws.

Emeritus Member – At their request, Regular Members in good standing for twenty years, who have achieved the age of sixty-five (65) years, may be a Regular UHMS member at no cost.

Disciplinary Action: The Board of Directors may at any time censure, suspend or expel any Member for cause, provided the Member is given a fair and impartial hearing to determine the appropriateness of such action and is given an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Board of Directors. Among the reasons considered appropriate cause for censure or membership revocation are: conviction of felony; malfeasance; unethical activities; or conduct derogatory to the best interests of the Society. If any Member is believed to have violated the Constitution or By-Laws of the Society or to have acted in some other manner that discredits the Society, any Member in good standing may in good faith prefer charges against him/her by filing a signed statement with the Society President. The details of the act must be adequately described and documented in this statement. Such charges shall be immediately forwarded to the accused along with a request for a rebuttal to be submitted within thirty (30) days. Copies of the original accusation and the rebuttal, or the original accusation alone if a rebuttal is not received in thirty (30) days, shall then be forwarded to the President, who will review the materials. The accused Member shall be invited to present his/her case to a select committee, appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, made up of three (3) members, who have no conflicts of interest or direct business connections with the accused party at a specially-convened meeting held in person, by phone, or by video conference. Members of the Board of Directors are not eligible to be appointed to the select committee. After hearing the arguments of the Member, the select committee shall vote to dismiss the matter or impose disciplinary action. Dismissal of the matter may be accomplished by a simple majority vote, while passage of a resolution of censure or revocation of membership shall require an affirmative vote of all three (3) members of the select committee. Suspension of the member then requires review (including appeal from the member sanctioned for suspension), and a three-fourths majority vote of the Board of Directors. The period of suspension will be determined by the Board of Directors. After the suspension period the disciplined Member may reapply for membership. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.

ARTICLE III - Regional Chapters and International Affiliates
The Society shall promote and develop liaison with individuals and groups with similar interests in fields related to undersea and hyperbaric medicine. A principle goal shall be to enhance the exchange of scientific and therapeutic information in a manner, which shall encourage national and international good will, and social and cultural exchanges.

The Society encourages the establishment of regional chapters when these would further the objectives of the Society. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to control the establishment and termination of such regional chapters, and to establish regulations for this purpose. UHMS members within the geographic territory of the chapter are assigned to that

Chapter. Chapters do not have separate memberships of the UHMS and cannot charge membership dues. A Chapter is a fully integrated, legally indistinct division of UHMS and not a separate legal entity. As such, UHMS, acting by and through the UHMS Board has the authority to control the establishment, operations and termination of all Chapters and to establish regulations for this purpose. All Chapters are responsible and subject to the direction, control and authority of the UHMS Board and the Constitution and Bylaws of UHMS. Absent a specific delegation of authority to a Chapter by the UHMS Board, Chapters may not act for, enter into contracts on behalf of or otherwise bind UHMS in any manner, and no representative of any Chapter may act for, enter into contracts on behalf of, or otherwise bind UHMS. Affiliates are international organizations/societies that are dedicated to the goals of the UHMS. Organizations desiring to achieve affiliate status shall address a petition so stating, with supporting documentation, to the Board of Directors.

The Society recognizes the value of formal liaison with other scientific and professional organizations whose purposes are consistent with those of Article II of the Constitution of this Society. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to negotiate an executive agreement for liaison with such other organizations subject to specific limitations of these By-Laws. The President shall appoint a Member in good standing of the Society to serve as the official liaison to the organization. This liaison shall keep the Board of Directors informed in writing, of all appropriate matters.

ARTICLE IV - Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet at the Annual Scientific Meeting and at least on two additional dates spaced appropriately throughout the year at a time and location chosen by the President. Special meetings, including conference calls, or computer networking with e-mail votes of the Board of Directors may be called at a time designated by the President, or upon the written request of a simple majority of the members of the Board of Directors.

At any duly convened meeting of the Board of Directors, a simple majority of the Board of Directors present in person, or by phone, or by videoconference, or by e-mail at the start of the meeting shall constitute a quorum.

The Chair of the Board of Directors may invite any individual to report or join in discussions at a specific meeting of the Board of Directors. Such an invited individual will have no vote in the proceedings of the Board.

Any member of the Society wishing to attend a Board of Directors meeting must send a written request to the Chair at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Board meeting. The decision of the Chair is final.

The Chair may call the Board into Executive Session at any time. Executive Sessions are only called when the Board must deal with sensitive issues related to the overall health and well-being of the Society. Only the Board members and invited staff may remain in the meeting (live or virtual) room for the Executive Session. The Chair may invite another member to remain only if that member’s attendance is integral to the Executive Session’s business. All other guests of the Board must leave the meeting room (live or virtual).

ARTICLE V - Duties of Officers and Executive Director

The President shall be the chief executive of the Society and the Chair of the Board of Directors and shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all committees and shall perform such other duties as are required by the By-Laws.

President-Elect. The President-Elect shall become familiar with the duties of the President and shall perform such other functions as the President may designate. In the event that the President is incapacitated, absent, or otherwise unable to act, the President-Elect shall serve as President for the period of such incapacity or absence. The President-Elect shall chair the Nominating Committee.

Vice President. The Vice President shall assist the President in executing the scientific and business affairs of the Society. The Vice President shall chair the Awards.. The Vice President shall always be an International Society member, who is a citizen of any country except the United States of America.

Treasurer. The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee, works with the Executive Director and his/her financial assistant and advisor. The Treasurer also reviews the financial status of the Society and reports that financial status to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer reports annually to the membership on the financial status of the Society.

Executive Director. The Executive Director shall:

  1. serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors,
  2. be hired and removed as necessary by the Board of Directors,
  3. advise and inform the Board of Directors on all matters of planning, policy and finances affecting the Society,
  4. be responsible for the day to day operation and direction of the Headquarters Offices of the Society,
  5. be Custodian of the Seal of the Society,
  6. be responsible for the Society newsletter Pressure,
  7. be Bonded,
  8. hire and remove staff members as he/she sees fit,
  9. be responsible for seeing that sound fiscal policies are practiced by the Society and its Headquarters and Satellite Offices,
  10. sign all legally binding documents for the Society as directed by the President and/or the Board of Directors,
  11. be responsible for the periodic reporting of the financial records to the Board of Directors and the membership,
  12. perform other duties from time to time as requested by the Board of Directors, or as outlined in the official position description,
  13. perform an annual review of the administrative staff of the Society. Undergo an annual performance review by the President, and the Immediate Past President, with the results of these reviews made available to the voting members of the Board of Directors at their next regularly scheduled meeting,
  14. be responsible for determining that the membership records of the Society are properly kept,
  15. be responsible for seeing that the minutes of all official meetings of the Society and/or its Board of Directors are recorded,
  16. and report to the membership on such matters as nominations, elections, proposed dues changes, names of new members, and proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws as prescribed.

ARTICLE VI - Committees
Standing committees shall be established as appropriate with the approval of the Board of Directors. Those persons chairing standing committees shall be responsible to the President of the Society and be required to keep the President and Executive Director informed of all committee activities. All Committee Chairs shall report in writing to the Board of Directors at it’s regularly schedule meeting during the Annual Scientific Meeting. All members of committees shall be Members in good standing of the Society.

The President may create special committees, workshop committees, or such other committees as may be deemed necessary with such membership and for such period of time as may be considered appropriate.

ARTICLE VII - Indemnification of Board of Directors Members
Each Officer, Board of Directors member or Society member, acting at the direction of the Officers or Board of Directors, now or hereafter serving the Society, and his/her respective heirs, executors and personal representatives, shall be indemnified by the Society against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him/her in connection with the defense of any action, suit or proceeding in which he/she is made a party by reason of being or having been such officer or member, except in relation to matters as to which he/she shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence, recklessness, fraud, or malfeasance in the performance of duties; but such indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which such person may be entitled under any bylaws, agreement, vote of the Board of Directors, or otherwise.

Dues for Regular Members of the Society shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall notify the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual business meeting of any changes in dues.

Dues shall be due and payable annually. All Members who have not paid their dues within thirty (30) days of the due date shall be considered delinquent and shall be so notified by the Executive Office. If such dues have not been paid within one month, the delinquent shall no longer be a Member in good standing and shall be automatically removed from the membership roster.

Dues for member categories shall be set by the Board of Directors.

A Member dropped for non-payment of dues may be reinstated upon payment of current dues.

ARTICLE IX - Disposal of Assets
In the event of the lawful dissolution of the Society, following the payment of all just debts and obligations of the Society, the Board of Directors shall designate one or more organizations devoted to scientific activities to receive the remaining assets of the Society. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service shall have approved such recipient organizations founded and dedicated to tax-exempt purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the 1954 Internal Revenue Code.

ARTICLE X - Board of Director Terms and Term-Limits
Board members (MAL and Treasurer) are limited to two (2) consecutive terms in each of these roles. Members, who have served two consecutive terms as either MAL or Treasurer, will be ineligible for re-election to that position for a minimum of one (1) term. In the case of Treasurer, which is a three (3) year term, a member may serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive years in this role and will be ineligible for re-election to this role for a minimum of three (3) years.

MAL positions are two (2) year posts and members can serve a maximum of four (4) consecutive years on the board in this role. If that member desires to return to the board as a MAL, they will have to wait a minimum of one (1) full cycle or two (2) years prior to reestablishing eligibility. One of the four (4) MAL positions should be filled by and active duty military member as possible. Every two (2) years nominees from one (1) of the MAL positions will be recruited from current active duty or reserve service members from the US Armed Forces with experience in hyperbaric medicine, from Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard or Public Health Service, or from the Armed Forces of one of the UHMS affiliated member countries as approved by the BOD. In the event that no active duty members are nominated or elected, the runner up from the regular MAL election will fill that position.

The Treasurer position is a three (3) year term. A member is limited to serve two (2) consecutive terms on the board, either as Treasurer (up to 6-years) OR up to four (4) years as a MAL. Members may also serve consecutively in different roles (MAL/MAL, Treasurer/Treasurer, MAL/Treasurer, Treasurer/MAL). Service limits are based on two (2) consecutive terms in a specific position. There is no arbitrary overall service limit. Term limits apply only to consecutive time in a particular elected position.

The President position will encompass a six (6) year term: 2-years as President-elect, 2-years as President, and 2-years as Past President. At the conclusion of this obligation, that member will be restricted from serving again as President for a minimum of one ‘Presidential cycle’ of six (6) years. This individual may run for a different board seat, either MAL or Treasurer without a required gap. Term limits for this individual in other roles are no different than those stated above.

The Vice-Presidential term is two (2) years. A member is limited to serve two (2) consecutive terms, up to four (4) years. After two (2) consecutive terms in the role of Vice-President, that member will be restricted from serving on the board as a Vice-President for the following one (1) term or two (2) years.

In voting cycles where there are two (2) MAL positions open for election, the two (2) individuals with the greatest number of votes will win. As per the rules established for other elected positions, elections shall be determined by plurality, which means the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other candidate will win. Plurality of votes (or simple majority) is therefore distinct from an absolute majority. (See above for rules regarding tie votes).

ARTICLE XI – Amendments
Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed by the Board of Directors, or by the petition of 5% of Regular Members in good standing presented to the Board of Directors 30 days prior to a scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The Board of Directors reviews the proposed amendments and considers endorsement of the proposed amendments. If endorsed by a majority of the Board of Directors, the proposed amendments are then distributed to the UHMS membership by the UHMS headquarters for vote of approval or disapproval within 30 days following endorsement by the Board of Directors. Votes received within 30 days of the distribution of ballots will be counted. All Regular Members in good standing shall be eligible to vote. A means of voting electronically shall be provided through the UHMS website; also, a printable form for voting shall be placed on the UHMS website for those members who prefer to fax or mail a paper ballot to the headquarters office. The approval of at least three-fourths of the Regular Members in good standing of the Society, who vote upon the proposed amendments, shall be required for their passage and will take effect immediately.

ATTACHMENT A: Membership
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Membership categories:

The UHMS Board of Directors shall set dues for each membership category. Names of members in each membership category will be published with the appropriate category indicator. After the approval process, memberships will be officially conferred on payment of appropriate annual dues.

Regular Members. Regular Members of the Society shall be doctorate level health care professionals or research scientists. Regular Members are entitled to vote and hold office in the Society. Each applicant for Regular Membership shall submit an application as prescribed. The application shall be sent to the Administrative Office of the Society where it is reviewed. If any discrepancies or items of concern are noted, the application will be forwarded to the Membership Committee for disposition and recommendations.

The Board of Directors shall grant waivers of this requirement in exceptional cases where an applicant's special contributions or accomplishments warrant such action. When a waiver of the education requirement is necessary, the special accomplishment of the applicant must be well documented by the applicant. The application is then handled as prescribed by the Board of Directors and, when accepted for membership, the applicant is notified in writing.

The Executive Director shall publish the names of new Members to the membership. Physicians who have their license to practice under suspension, restriction, or revocation may not be regular members.

Regular (R): Regular Members of the Society shall be doctorate level health care professionals or research scientists (MD, DO, PhD, DPM, DDS, or equivalent). This category will include those Associates waived by the BOD as exceptional cases.

Regular, Government /Military/Academic (RG): Members shall be doctorate level health care professionals in active government service, or doctorate level life sciences professionals in academic or government service.

In Training (IT): Members shall be physicians (MD or DO) currently in a formal post-graduate training program (internship, residency or fellowship) or post-graduate doctoral trainees.

Associate Member (A): Hyperbaric technicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, physicians assistants, undergraduate students, diving supervisors, certified scuba instructors, or other hyperbaric or diving personnel with specialized technical or research backgrounds, but who do not possess the academic background for Regular Membership, can become Associate Members of the Society. Regular Members (retired) who are 65 or older and are not working; can also fall under this category; however they will not have voting rights. Associate Members are not entitled to vote or to hold office. The UHMS Board of Directors shall set dues for Associate Members. The Executive Committee of the Associates shall be responsible for providing the Associate Membership with procedures for electing two voting representatives to the UHMS Board of Directors, one of whom must be an Associate Corporate member. These representatives shall be elected to staggered two-year terms.

Student Membership (S): Must submit a letter from the Registrar confirming full-time enrollment and the program the student is currently enrolled in. Must be a full-time student enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in a related field of nursing, medicine or science. Student members will receive online access to the UHM Journal and our Membership Newsletter, Pressure along with all other membership benefits. This membership type is non-paying and eligibility must be confirmed annually with enrollment information. Student members are not eligible to vote or hold office.

Corporate Member (C): The Board of Directors shall have the power to determine the amount of Corporate Membership dues, and to admit as Corporate Members those companies, associations, foundations, or partnerships contributing a basic amount or more annually for activities of the Society. See Attachment A for Corporate levels.

Emeritus Member (E): At their request, Regular Members in good standing for twenty (20) years, who have achieved the age of sixty-five (65), may receive the benefits of membership at no cost.

Honorary Member (H): Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of undersea and hyperbaric activities may be elected to Honorary Membership in the Society. Honorary Members shall pay no dues and shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office. Not more than one (1) Honorary Member shall be elected annually except that in special and unusual circumstances, the Board of Directors shall have the power to elect up to three (3) Honorary Members in one year. Normally, the President shall make such nominations to the Board of Directors. However, any Regular Member in good standing of the Society may submit such a nomination in writing, with supporting information, to the Executive Director for transmittal to the Board of Directors.

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