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Certified Hyperbaric Technologist, Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse, and Diver Medic Exams

CHT/CHRN/DMT Certifying Exams

The National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology (NBDHMT) offers accreditation exams for individuals wishing to certify in hyperbaric technology, hyperbaric nursing and as remote-duty diver medics. For information regarding examination pre-requisites, testing locations and testing schedules please contact the NBDHMT at:

National Board of Diving & Hyperbaric Medical Technology
P.O. Box 758
Pelion, South Carolina 29123

Tel: +1.803.434.7802
Fax: +1.866.451.7231

 NBDHMT Resource Manual (CHT) Page 17 

Re-certification is awarded upon completion and verification of required continuing education credits, continued workplace experience, submission of the re-certification form and a $100.00 fee.
Applicants must complete a NBDHMT Certified Hyperbaric Technologist® Re-certification Form ( and return to NBDHMT headquarters, along with the following:
1. Proof of a minimum of 24 (minimum of 12 Category “A”) CEU hours during the prior two (2) years.
2. Verify a minimum of 100 clinical work hours via the Certified Hyperbaric Technologist Recertification Verification Letter.

Continuing Education Requirements
A minimum of 24 hours of continuing education credits (hours) are required during each recertification period. Ideally all, but at least 12 should be Category A, defined as education and training directed related to technical, operations and safety aspects of hyperbaric or hypobaric operations. Examples of other suitable Category A topics include infection control/universal precautions, recognition and immediate management of barotrauma, recognition and immediate management of CNS oxygen toxicity, other chamber related complications, tissue oximetry testing, and inside attendant duties and decompression procedures. Credits may be earned through attendance at meetings and conferences approved by the NBDHMT. They can also be earned though NBDHMT approved employer initiatives directed at maintenance and updating of knowledge and skills. Online Category A approved credit opportunities exist, and details are available from Board headquarters. Retroactive Continuing Educations Applications and a sample continuing education log are available at

If access to 24 Category A credits is not possible, the balance beyond 12 can be made up with Category B credits. They are defined as courses, programs and other learning opportunities related to allied health professional knowledge and skills in general and the clinical and compliant practice of undersea, hyperbaric or hypobaric medicine in particular. Examples include clinical assessment and case management of the hyperbaric referral, emerging technologies, potential new uses of the hyperbaric chamber, related compliance expectations and standards, and BLS/ACLS/PALS certification/recertification. CHT’s who formally present at meetings where CEU’s are offered are eligible for credits. For participation in development of a Poster Presentation, the NBDHMT will award two (2) credits (A or B depending upon the topic). Oral presentations, regardless of length, earn six (6) A or B credits. For those who serve as UHMS Facility Accreditation Surveyors, the NBDHMT allows a one-time award of five (5) Category A credits, upon receipt of supporting documentation from the lead surveyor.