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Associates Educational Scholarship 2025: 2nd Quarter

This scholarship is for non-physician students seeking financial assistance in order to become certified hyperbaric chamber operators.  If you are a current CHT/CHRN, you are NOT eligible for the scholarship.  

  • Must NOT have an existing or expired hyperbaric technician certification through the NBDHMT or ABWH.

If approved, the student will be scheduled at their choice of the listed UHMS 40 hr. Introductory training course and the funds will be paid directly to the training company by the UHMS. 



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You selected "no." 

Due to you not having access to a hyperbaric facility, you would not currently be eligible for this scholarship.  This is a quarterly scholarship and if in the future you gain access to a facility, we encourage you to reapply.  Thank you, please hit the 'Exit Survey' button below.


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Please share with us why you want to pursue hyperbaric medicine certification by answering these questions (*)

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Scholarship acceptance is at the full discretion of the UHMS Associates Council.  Also, at the discretion of the Council, the Council may ask for additional information or withdraw your application or acceptance at any time.  The following items must be agreed upon for you application to be accepted.  

  • I attest that I do not have an existing or expired hyperbaric technician certification through the NBDHMT or ABWH
  • I attest that I have never previously attended an introductory course in hyperbaric medicine. 
  • I agree that the UHMS scholarship funds will be paid directly to the company hosting the course (on behalf of each student).  Travel or other miscellaneous expenses incurred by the student are not eligible for scholarship fund reimbursement.  
  • I agree that in receiving scholarship funds does not guarantee certification. Passing the course does not represent certification. It is the responsibility of the candidate to fulfill all the training and competencies necessary to become certified, to include applying for the course within three to five months of notification of award and passing the examination for certification with whichever agency they choose. 

I have carefully read and considered each item in this form and have completed it to the best of my ability and understand my disclosure obligations as outlined above. 

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