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Number 4

Frostbite is an injury caused by the freezing of tissue, causing varied levels of tissue damage and necrosis. Case reports have shown a positive effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) in such injuries, in acute cases as well as delayed (up to 21 days) presentation with complications. In this case report we present the course of hyperbaric treatment of two patients (a brother and sister, age 58 and 62) who sustained frostbite injuries to both feet 28 days earlier while hiking in the Himalayas. They were initially treated in Nepal following local protocol; afterward their primary care in the Netherlands was managed by the Burn Centre at Maasstad Hospital in Rotterdam. Both patients were treated with daily sessions of in total 80 minutes of 100% oxygen at 2.5 atmospheres absolute.  The female patient (age 62) received 25 sessions and showed a remarkable preservation of tissue and quick demarcation. Only partial surgical amputation of the second toe on the right was needed. In the male patient (age 58) both front feet were already mummified to a larger extent before start of treatment. During hyperbaric oxygen therapy 30 sessions) demarcation progressed quickly, resulting in early surgical amputation.  Both patients experienced no side effects of HBO2 treatment. Given ..
Complete blood count (CBC) is a routine diagnostic procedure for patients and a part of routine health inspection for healthy individuals. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy on CBC is not known. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of HBO2 on blood parameters in CBC with long-term HBO2 therapy. In this study, patients received HBO2 at the department of Underwater and Hyperbaric Clinical Medicine. CBC results were obtained at specific time points during HBO2 therapy. The study recruited a total of 140 patients who met the research inclusion criteria. Patients were treated for 55.5±41 days. During the treatment period, they underwent HBO2 sessions for an average of 35.9±24.9 times. Five groups were created as follows: before the treatment; between 1-20 sessions; between 21-40 sessions; between 41-60 sessions; and more than 60 sessions. The results of the present study showed that a number of alterations occurred in CBC values in patients who received HBO2. HBO2 reduces the number of platelets, but this was not clinically significant. According to the results, HBO2 does not have any effect on hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cells, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, red blood cell distribution width, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, platelet count, platelet distribution width and ..
This study aimed to explore the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) on blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity in rats, when administered for one (at 2.5 ATA, 3 HBO2 sessions a day) and five days (at 2.5 ATA, 3 HBO2 sessions a day for the first two days, and twice a day for the last three days). Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to evaluate the BBB permeability. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione (GSH) andmalondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus regions. Frequent vesicles containing HRP reaction products were observed in capillary endothelial cells in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats subjected to HBO2. The accumulation of HRP reaction products in these brain regions was significantly higher than that of control animals (P<0.01). In animals that received HBO2, MDA levels (P<0.01 for 5 days) and GSH (p<0.05 for one day, and P<0.01 for five days) were decreased in the cerebral cortex, whereas SOD activities slightly increased in this region. In animals that received HBO2 significant decreases in MDA (P<0.05 for one day; P<0.01 for five days) and GSH (P<0.05 for five days) levels were observed in the hippocampus region, but SOD activities decreased in this region.  We showed that HBO2 administered with the doses described above impaired BBB integrity ..
Introduction: Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatment results in elevated production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that leads to cellular damage. Thymoquinone (TQ) is reported to have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activity and may suppress the generation of free radicals. The goal of this study is reduction of side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with thymoquinone treatment. Methods: 30 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of three groups (n = 10 per group). Group 1 represented the control group (no treatment). Group 2 was exposed to 100% oxygen at 2.5 ATA for two sessions of two hours’ duration each day for five days. Group 3 was treated identically to Group 2 and was also given thymoquinone once daily at 50 mg/kg/day by oral gavage for five days, after first session of HBO2. Lipid hydro-peroxidation (LOOH) and free sulfhydryl groups (SH) and Fetuin A were measured from the left lung. The right lung was saved for pathological evaluation.  Results: LOOH and SH levels were significantly elevated in the group receiving HBO2 treatment relative to the control group rats. Fetuin A is increased during TQ treatment. LOOH and SH levels were significantly decreased in animals treated with TQ.  Conclusions: Long-term and repeated HBO2 treatment leads to damage to the lung tissue. In ..
Background: Headache is the most common symptom in carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. While the mechanism of CO-induced headache is not well defined, it is felt that cerebral vasodilation plays a role. Clinical experience has demonstrated oxygen breathing is effective in resolving CO headache. However, the effectiveness of normobaric oxygen has never been compared to hyperbaric oxygen in this regard. Methods: A 2016 paper by Ocak, et al. reported the response of CO headache pain severity to four hours of normobaric oxygen breathing in 82 patients using a 0-10 analog scale. The demographics, carboxyhemoglobin levels and response to therapy from that report were compared to data obtained by Hampson, et al. in an earlier study, but never published, using the same pain assessment method in 73 patients with CO headache and treated with hyperbaric oxygen. Results: Comparing the normobaric and hyperbaric groups, neither average age nor presenting carboxy-hemoglobin levels were significantly different. Baseline pain intensity scores were 6.5 ± 3.1 vs. 6.2 ± 2.6 (p=0.444) and post-treatment scores 1.5 ± 2.6 vs. 1.0 ± 1.5 (p=0.184) respectively on a 0-10 scale. Conclusions: In these two well-matched populations of patients with CO-induced headache pain, degree of resolution was not significantly different between normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. DOI: 10.22462/7.8.2017.5
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy is currently used for the treatment of chronic wounds, radiation-induced soft tissue necrosis, several oxygen-deficiency conditions and decompression sickness. In addition to the current indications, much empirical and experimental data suggest that HBO2 therapy may benefit autoimmune diseases by suppressing immunity, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood.  Therefore, in the present study, we investigated whether HBO2 prevents the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in association with alteration of the immune balance between pro-inflammatory Th17 and anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells (Tregs). Arthritis was induced in DBA/1 mice by intradermal injection of type II collagen. Animals received either no treatment or 90 minutes of HBO2 (100% oxygen, at 2.0 ATA) daily beginning three days prior to the injection and were monitored for the development of arthritis. Six weeks later, joint tissues and spleens were analyzed for the alteration of immune balance between Th17 and Tregs by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or Western blot.  Injection of collagen induced extensive arthritis and extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleens. Meanwhile, joint swelling and inflammatory tissue damages as well as extramedullary hematopoiesis were significantly less severe in the mice treated with HBO2. Both IHC and Western blot showed a decrease of FOXP3 and an increase of pSTAT3 expressions in the joints and spleens ..
We offer the first report of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy to treat early surgical wound breakdown after oronasal fistula and cleft palate repair in the pediatric population. We present four patients’ experiences after undergoing HBO2 therapy. HBO2 was initiated as soon as an oronasal fistula was identified. Three of the children underwent 10 HBO2 treatments with the fourth undergoing 11 treatments. There were no adverse effects during treatment; none of the patients required decompressive myringotomy. Follow-up shows portions of the repair have been salvaged by initiating HBO2 at the first sign of fistula formation. In our case series, the fistulas all decreased in size over the course of treatment and demonstrated granulation tissue at the wound edges. Given the positive outcomes from our preliminary results, our results suggest concurrent usage of HBO2 therapy for wound breakdown after cleft palate repair is an effective treatment option.  DOI: 10.22462/7.8.2017.3
The diagnosis of decompression illness (DCI), which is based on a history of decompression and clinical findings, can sometimes be confounded with other vascular events of the central nervous system. The authors report three cases of divers who were urgently transported to a hyperbaric facility for hyperbaric oxygen treatment of DCI which at admission turned out to be something else.  The first case, a 45-year-old experienced diver with unconsciousness, was clinically diagnosed as having experienced subarachnoid hemorrhage, which was confirmed by CT scan. The second case, a 49-year-old fisherman with a hemiparesis which occurred during diving, was diagnosed as cerebral stroke, resulting in putaminal hemorrhage. The third case, a 54-year-old fisherman with sensory numbness, ataxic gait and urinary retention following sudden post-dive onset of upper back pain, was diagnosed as spinal epidural hematoma; he also showed blood collection in the spinal canal.  Neurological insults following scuba diving can present clinically with confusing features of cerebral and/or spinal DCI. We emphasize the importance of considering cerebral and/or spinal vascular diseases as unusual causes of neurological deficits after or during diving. DOI: 10.22462/7.8.2017.2
Introduction: Single-hose scuba regulators dived in very cold water may suffer first- or second-stage malfunction, yielding complete occlusion of air flow or massive freeflow that rapidly expends a diver’s air supply. Purpose: This study, conducted in Antarctica, evaluated the under-ice performance of a sampling of commercially available regulators. Methods: Seventeen science divers logged a total of 305 dives in -1.86°C seawater under 6-meter-thick Antarctic fast-ice over two field seasons in 2008 and 2009. Dive profiles had an average depth of 30 msw and dive time of 29 minutes, including a mandatory three-minute safety stop at 6 msw. Sixty-nine unmodified regulator units (17 models) from 12 different manufacturers underwent standardized pre-dive regulator care and were randomly assigned to divers. Depths and times of onset of second-stage regulator freeflow were recorded. Results: In 305 dives, there were 65 freeflows. The freeflows were not evenly distributed across the regulator brands. Regulator failure rates fell into two categories (<11% and >26%). The regulators classified for the purpose of the test as “acceptable” (< 11% failure rate: Dive-Rite Jetstream, Sherwood Maximus SRB3600, Poseidon Xstream Deep, Poseidon Jetstream, Sherwood Maximus SRB7600, Poseidon Cyklon, Mares USN22 Abyss) experienced only nine freeflows out of 146 exposures for a 6% overall freeflow incidence. Those classified as “unacceptable” (> ..