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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound breakdown after oronasal fistula and cleft palate repair: four cases

We offer the first report of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy to treat early surgical wound breakdown after oronasal fistula and cleft palate repair in the pediatric population. We present four patients’ experiences after undergoing HBO2 therapy. HBO2 was initiated as soon as an oronasal fistula was identified. Three of the children underwent 10 HBO2 treatments with the fourth undergoing 11 treatments. There were no adverse effects during treatment; none of the patients required decompressive myringotomy. Follow-up shows portions of the repair have been salvaged by initiating HBO2 at the first sign of fistula formation. In our case series, the fistulas all decreased in size over the course of treatment and demonstrated granulation tissue at the wound edges. Given the positive outcomes from our preliminary results, our results suggest concurrent usage of HBO2 therapy for wound breakdown after cleft palate repair is an effective treatment option. 

DOI: 10.22462/7.8.2017.3