UHMS Staff
Contact Information
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
General Email
1-877-533-UHMS (8467)
Direct: 919-490-5140
Main office information
631 US Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Address for Accounts Payable:
Mr. John Peters
UHMS Accounts Payable
631 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Executive Director
631 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 307
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x100
Direct: Tel: 919-490-5140 x100
Fax: 919-490-5149

Membership Coordinator / Meeting Planner / Pressure
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x101
Direct: Tel: 919-490-5140 x101
Fax: 919-490-5149

Education/CME Coordinator
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x102
Direct: 919-490-5140 x102
Fax: 919-490-5149

Managing Editor of UHM
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x104
Direct: 919-490-5140 x104

Director of Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation Department
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x106
Direct: Tel: (210) 404-1553 x 106
Fax: (210) 404-1535

Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation Department Consultant
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x105
Direct: Tel: (210) 404-1553 x 105 or 919-490-5140 x105
Fax: (210) 404-1535

Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation Department Coordinator
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x105
Direct: Tel: (210) 404-1553 x 105 or 919-490-5140 x105
Fax: (210) 404-1535

Website Administrator
Toll-Free: 877-533-UHMS (8467) x108
Direct: 919-490-5140 x108