From the 2023 2nd Quarter Pressure

ASM Is Around the Corner!
The UHMS Annual Scientifi c Meeting (June 15-18) in San Diego, California is quickly approaching. Many thanks to the UHMS ASM Committee members for their hard work through the fall and winter to bring the ASM program together. I think this meeting promises to be very educational and enjoyable.
Thursday, June 15th, off ers two pre-courses. One is “Approaches to Safety for the Hyperbaric Professional: Life After the 40-hour Course” and the second is “Fitness to Dive: Introduction to the Routine Medical Evaluation of Recreational Divers.”
We have added a third keynote address going forward. The keynote addresses have always been named for individuals who have made signifi cant contributions to our specialty. The two current keynote addresses are named for Dr. Eric Kindwall (featuring a clinical hyperbaric topic) and Dr. Christian Lambertsen (featuring a diving topic).
This new third keynote address will be named in honor of other giants in our fi eld with the name rotating every fi ve years in order to acknowledge the many individuals deserving of this recognition. The topic will be safety and technical development. For the next fi ve years, this keynote will be named in honor of Dr. Jeff Davis followed by Dr. George Hart for the fi ve years after that.
This year’s UHMS ASM keynote addresses are as follows:
- Friday, June 16th: Eric P. Kindwall Keynote: Hyperbaric Oxygen and Infl ammatory Bowel Disease by Dr. Parambir Singh Dulai. A promising new indication for HBO.
- Saturday, June 17th: Christian J. Lambertsen Keynote: SEALAB by Dr. Kevin Hardy. A very San Diego diving topic.
- Sunday, June 18th: Jeff Davis Keynote: Historical Perspective: Safety Development by Dr. John Feldmeier. The inaugural third keynote address.
I hope to see you all in San Diego.
- Pete Witucki