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From the 2025 1st Quarter Pressure

Laura Josefsen RN, ACHRN

40th Anniversary of The Baromedical Nurses Association! Come And Celebrate with Us!!

The Baromedical Nurses Association (BNA) will celebrate this exciting event at the Annual Hyperbaric Nurses Day on Saturday, April 12, 2025!  All are welcome to join us for great presentations!!

Since the BNA’s inception in 1985, one of our main goals has been to recognize the specialized practice of hyperbaric nursing. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy requires nurses to have heightened patient assessment skills, advanced knowledge of specific disease processes, and technical abilities not elsewhere seen in nursing environments. (The BNA website)

The BNA is committed to offering quality continuing education for nurses working in hyperbaric medicine.  Webinars and online learning opportunities are offered throughout the year.  All education for BNA members is FREE with your membership and at a fee of $15.00 for non-BNA members. (BNA website). 

For further information, you are invited to the BNA website at www.hyperbaricnurses.org. The following are just a few of the items from the website:

The BNA is a professional nursing organization representing Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses engaged or interested in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This organization meets the needs of the nurse though:

  • Education opportunities
  • Achieving continuing education goals
  • Providing a pathway toward certification
  • Networking and connecting with other nurses in the hyperbaric community
  • Advancing the practice of hyperbaric nursing

Membership benefits include:

  • Discounted cost for the certification exams
  • Meet and greet at chapter and international meetings
  • Opportunity to serve on committees to advance the BNA & personal professional goals
  • Enhance the hyperbaric nursing experience

In 1995, the first BNACB (Baromedical Nurses Association Certifying Board) was elected by the BNA to oversee the hyperbaric certification process of the Certification of Hyperbaric Registered Nurse (CHRN). The BNACB has regular quarterly meetings discussing issues with certification and is governed by its own set of by-laws.

We look forward to everyone attending the 2025 Baromedical Nurses Association - Hyperbaric Nurses Day annual celebration on April 15, 2025, to meet the speakers and enjoy excellent presentations!