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President's Column

Owen J. O'Neill, MD, MPH, FUHM

President's Message: Upholding Safety and Excellence in Hyperbaric Medicine

Dear Esteemed Colleagues, It is with profound sadness that we extend our deepet condolences to the family of Thomas Cooper, the 5-year-old boy who tragically lost his life in a hyperbaric chamber fireat The Oxford Center in Troy, Michigan, on January 31, 2025. Our thoughts are with his loved…

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Executive Director’s Report

John S. Peters, MBA, FACHE

Executive Director's Report

Greetings from all of us here at UHMS! As we embark on a new year, I want to thank each of you for your dedication to the field of undersea and hyperbaric medicine. Our work is critical to advancing patient care, improving clinical outcomes, and ensuring the highest safety standards in hyperbaric…

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Associates Column

Dan Christopher, MSN, RN, CHRNC

Hyperbaric Competencies: BEYOND the Course

Medical skills and devices require competencies.  As a new nurse, I learned core hospital competencies for bedside procedures such as foley catheter insertion, intravenous catheter (IV) insertion, and nasogastric (NG) tube placement.  I never stopped completing competencies as I worked in…

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Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation

Derall W. Garrett, CHT

The Importance of UHMS Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation for Safety and Industry Standards

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a vital treatment modality used for various medical conditions, ranging from chronic wounds to carbon monoxide poisoning. However, ensuring the safety and efficacy of hyperbaric facilities requires adherence to stringent standards and protocols. The Undersea & Hyper…

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Last 8 Other Articles


  Donald Ray Chandler April 14, 1937 — January 21, 2025 Donald R. Chandler, age 87, of Huntingtown, Maryland passed away Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at his home. Don was born April 14, 1937, in Alton WV, son of the late Ralph and Cozbi Chandler. He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Sandr…

Società Italiana di Medicina Subacquea ed Iperbarica Article

The new regulatory framework following Law No. 24 of March 8, 2017 (the Gelli Law) led to establishing the National Guidelines System (SNLG) through the Ministerial Decree of February 27, 2018. Managed by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) via the National Center for Clinical Governance and Car…

Multicenter Registry Update – 2024 year-end summary

The Registry is a database designed to gather consistent measures about the use, outcomes, and safety of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatments from hyperbaric centers worldwide. The goal is to publish this information for quality improvement, patient care, and research and to document the o…

40th Anniversary of The Baromedical Nurses Association! Come And Celebrate with Us!!

The Baromedical Nurses Association (BNA) will celebrate this exciting event at the Annual Hyperbaric Nurses Day on Saturday, April 12, 2025!  All are welcome to join us for great presentations!! Since the BNA’s inception in 1985, one of our main goals has been to recognize the specialized pra…

CONSUMER WARNING: The Dangers of Soft-Sided Bag Chambers

The growing presence of soft-sided bag chambers in the marketplace has led to several questions and concerns for many in the hyperbaric community. This article aims to reveal some of the facts and misconceptions surrounding these chambers and identify the hazards associated with their use. It is im…

2025 CMS Payment Update Highlights

Physician Fee Schedule Overview: The conversion factor has decreased from $33.29 to $32.35 (2.8$) for CY2025.  This basically negates the 2.93% increase in CY 2024.  Extended several telehealth waivers through 2025.   Direct supervision expanded to include audio/video rea…

Hyperbaric Device Safety: The Fundamentals of Tech Specs & Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory compliance for a medical device manufacturer is a process that continually evolves for the device's lifecycle. In the hyperbaric industry, the ASME:  American Society of Mechanical Engineers is the author of the pressure vessel construction standards. In 1911, the American Society o…

Happy 40th Birthday to the Baromedical Nurses Association!!

2025 will be the 40th year of the Baromedical Nurses Association!  The BNA will celebrate this exciting event at the annual Hyperbaric Nurses Day in April!  All are welcome to join us for great presentations and free CEUs for BNA members, which are offered at a fee of $15.00 for non-BNA m…