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Nathanial Henshaw: Not history’s pioneering hyperbaric practitioner

Richard Clarke, CHT-A

National Baromedical Services, Columbia, South Carolina, USA CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Richard Clarke –


Clarke R. Nathanial Henshaw: Not history’s pioneering hyperbaric practitioner. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2024 Second Quarter; 51(2):107-113.

A widely accepted belief is that Nathaniel Henshaw was the first practitioner of hyperbaric medicine. He is said to have constructed the first hyperbaric chamber where he treated several disorders and provided opportunities to prevent disease and optimize well-being. While there is little doubt Henshaw was the first to conceptualize this unique medical technology, careful analysis of his treatise has convinced this writer that his was nothing more than a proposal. Henshaw’s air chamber was never built. He would have failed to appreciate how its structural integrity could be maintained in the presence of enormous forces generated by envisioned changes in its internal pressure and, likewise, how its door could effectively
seal the chamber during hypo-and hyperbaric use. Henshaw would have also failed to appreciate the limitations of his two proposed measuring devices and the toxic nature of one. Neither of these would have provided any quantitative information. The impracticality of his proposed method of compressing and decompressing the chamber is readily apparent. So, too, the likely toxic accumulation of carbon dioxide within the unventilated chamber during lengthy laborious periods required to operate it. Henshaw recommended pressures up to three times atmospheric pressure and durations for acute conditions until their resolution. Such exposures would likely result in fatal decompression sickness upon eventual chamber ascent, a condition of which nothing was known at the time. It would be another 170 years before a functional air chamber would finally become a reality. Henshaw’s legacy, then, is limited to the concept of hyperbaric medicine rather than being its first practitioner.

Keywords: domicilium; hyperbaric history; hyperbaric medicine


DOI: 10.22462/674