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Transcutaneous oximetry values in chronic ulcer patients during Hyperbaric treatment at 1.4 ATA compared to 2 ATA


Sack RA, Pikkel YY, Leitner Shemy O, Ramon Y, Ullmann Y, Zeltzer AA. Transcutaneous oximetry values in chronic ulcer patients during Hyperbaric treatment at 1.4 ATA compared to 2 ATA. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2024 First Quarter; 51(1):1-5.

Chronic wounds have a significant impact on a patient’s quality of life. Different pathologies, such as poor blood supply and tissue breakdown, may lead to inadequate oxygenation of the wound. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) is a widely used treatment for an increasing number of medical practices. A new so-called “hyperbaric treatment” trend has emerged. The use of low-pressure, soft-sided, or inflatable chambers represents a growing trend in hyperbaric medicine. Used in professional settings as well as directly marketed to individuals for home use, they are promoted as equivalent to clinical hyperbaric treatments provided in medical centers. However, these chambers are pressurized to 1.3 atmospheres absolute (ATA) on either air or with an oxygen concentrator, both generate oxygen partial pressures well below those used in approved hyperbaric centers for UHMS-approved indications.

A total of 130 consecutive patients with chronic ulcers where tested. TcPO2 was measured near the ulcer area while the patient was breathing 100% O2 at 1.4 ATA for five and 10 minutes. The average TcPO2 at 1.4 ATA after 10 minutes of O2 breathing was 161 mmHg (1-601 mmHg, standard deviation 137.91), compared to 333 mmHg in 2 ATA (1-914±232.56), p < 0.001). Each electrode tested was also statistically significant, both after five minutes of O2 breathing and after 10 minutes.

We have not found evidence supporting the claim that 1.4 ATA treatment can benefit a chronic ulcer patient. The field of HBO2 is constantly evolving. We have discovered new ways to treat previously incurable ailments. Nevertheless, it is important to note that new horizons must be examined scientifically, supported by evidence-based data. The actual effect of 1.4 ATA on many ailments is yet to be determined.

Keywords: chronic wounds; hyperbaric facilities; mild hyperbaric therapy; pressure chambers
