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Hyperbaric hydrogen therapy improves secondary brain injury after head trauma


Otsuka Y, Tomura S, Toyooka T, Takeuchi S, Tomiyama A, Omura T, Saito D, Wada K. Hyperbaric hydrogen therapy improves secondary brain injury after head trauma. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2023 Fourth Quarter; 50(4):403-411.
Background: The pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by the initial physical damage and by the subsequent biochemical damage (secondary brain injury). Oxidative stress is deeply involved in secondary brain injury, so molecular hydrogen therapy may be effective for TBI. Hydrogen gas shows the optimal effect at concentrations of 2% or higher, but can only be used up to 1.3% in the form of a gas cylinder mixed with oxygen gas, which may not be sufficiently effective. The partial pressure of hydrogen increases in proportion to the pressure, so hyperbaric hydrogen therapy (HBH2) is more effective than that at atmospheric pressure.

Methods: A total of 120 mice were divided into three groups: TBI + non-treatment group (TBI group; n
= 40), TBI + HBH2 group (n = 40), and non-TBI + non-treatment group (sham group; n = 40). The TBI and TBI + HBH2 groups were subjected to moderate cerebral contusion induced by controlled cortical impact. The TBI + HBH2 group received hyperbaric hydrogen therapy at 2 atmospheres for 90 minutes, at 30 minutes after TBI. Brain edema, neuronal cell loss in the injured hippocampus, neurological function, and cognitive function were evaluated.
Results: The TBI + HBH2 group showed significantly less cerebral edema (p < 0.05). Residual hippocampal neurons were significantly more numerous in the TBI + HBH2 group on day 28 (p < 0.05). Neurological score and behavioral tests showed that the TBI + HBH2 group had significantly reduced hyperactivity on day 14 (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: Hyperbaric hydrogen therapy may be effective for posttraumatic secondary brain injury. Keywords: brain; hyperbaric hydrogen therapy; oxidative stress; trauma