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Decrease in dysbaric osteonecrosis severity as a result of 45-minute oxygen pre-breathe

Sudden decompression can result in bubble formation as the result of nitrogen gas (N2) dissolved in tissue during disabled submarine escape (DISSUB). This may cause dysbaric osteonecrosis (DON), a condition in long bones where bubbles in fatty marrow result in ischemia and necrosis. Previous research has shown that oxygen (O2) pre-breathe of two hours resulted in a reduction of DON; however, effects of shorter O2 pre-breathe remain uncertain. This study’s aim was to understand the effect of shorter lengths of O2 pre-breathe. Eight adult Suffolk ewes (89.5± 11.5 kg) were exposed to 33 feet of seawater (fsw) for 24 hours. They were placed randomly into four groups and exposed to either 45, 30 or 15 minutes of O2 (91-88%) pre-breathe; the controls received none. They were then rapidly decompressed. Alizarin complexone was later injected intravenously to visualize the extent of DON in the right and left long bones (radii, tibiae, femur and humeri). The 30- and 15-minute pre-breathe groups saw the greatest deposition. There was significant decrease of variance in the 45-minute group when compared with all other treatments, suggesting that 45 minutes of O2 pre-breathe is required to effectively increase confidence in the reduction of DON. Similar confidence was not reflected in the 30-minute and 15-minute groups: 45 minutes of pre-breathe was the minimum amount needed to effectively prevent against DON in DISSUB escape at 33 fsw. However, future research is needed to determine how to calculate effective dosages of O2 pre-breathe to prevent DON in any given scenario.  
