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Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning in the Hudson River Tunnel in 1921: recounting history

The New York Bridge and Tunnel Commission began planning for a tunnel beneath the lower Hudson river to connect Manhattan to New Jersey in 1919. At 8,300 feet, it would be the longest tunnel for passenger vehicles in the world. A team of engineers and physiologists at the Yale University Bureau of Mines Experiment Station was tasked with calculating the ventilation requirements that would provide safety from exposure to automobile exhaust carbon monoxide (CO) while balancing the cost of providing ventilation. As the level of ambient CO which was comfortably tolerated was not precisely defined, they performed human exposures breathing from 100 to 1,000 ppm CO, first on themselves and subsequently on Yale medical students. Their findings continue to provide a basis for carbon monoxide alarm requirements a century later.

DOI: 10.22462/01.03.2021.11