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Gunshot damage to monoplace hyperbaric chamber acrylic

Introduction: Health care workers are vulnerable to workplace violence, including active shooter incidents. Little is known about how firearms could damage monoplace chamber acrylic and whether a breached pressurized chamber presents additional threat to the patient or bystanders.

Methods: In a remote area where firearm discharge is permitted, we tested the durability of sections of monoplace hyperbaric chamber acrylic under various firearm discharges. Firearms were discharged at acrylic sections from a distance of 17 feet at 45 degrees and 10 degrees from perpendicular while wearing protective gear. Firearm calibers ranged from .22 caliber handgun to 5.56 mm AR-15 rifle. We also conducted similar testing on a monoplace hyperbaric chamber pressurized with >99% oxygen to a differential pressure of 14.7 psig (2.0 atmospheres absolute at sea level). Handguns were remotely fired at a distance of 12 feet from the chamber (30 degrees from perpendicular), while the rifles were fired at a distance of 60 feet from the chamber.

Results: Higher caliber handguns penetrated or fractured the acrylic sections only after multiple shots. The tested rifles caused full-thickness penetration and fracture with a single shot. However, the pressurized monoplace hyperbaric chamber required two shots from the AR-15 rifle, separated by approximately 60 mm, to penetrate the acrylic, resulting in rapid depressurization. The chamber otherwise remained intact, with no explosion or conflagration observed.

Conclusion: An intact or pressurized chamber performs differently than stand-alone acrylic sections under firearms testing. In a worst-case active shooter scenario, the pressurized monoplace chamber tested posed no additional threat to bystanders beyond the significant risk of ricochet. 

DOI: 10.22462/04.06.2020.8