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Quantitative Romberg’s test in acute carbon monoxide poisoning treated by hyperbaric oxygen

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether monitoring of acute carbon monoxide-poisoned (COP) patients by means of quantitative Romberg’s test (QR-test) during a hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy regimen could be a useful supplement in the evaluation of neurological status.

Method: We conducted a retrospective study (2000-2014) in which we evaluated data containing quantitative sway measurements of acute COP patients (n = 58) treated in an HBO2 regimen. Each patient was tested using QR-test before and after each HBO2 treatment. Data were analyzed using linear mixed models (LMM). In each LMM, sway prior to HBO2 therapy was set as the fixed effect and change in sway after HBO2 therapy was set as the response variable. Patient, treatment number, weight and age were set as random effects for all LMMs.

Results: From the LMMs we found that larger values of sway prior to HBO2 produced a negative change in sway. We found no correlation between CO level and sway (P=0.1028; P=0.8764; P=0.4749; P=0.5883). Results showed that loss of visual inputcaused a significant increase in mean sway (P=0.028) and sway velocity (P<0.0001).

Conclusion: The Quantitative Romberg’s test is a fast, useful supplement to neurological evaluation and a potential valuable tool for monitoring postural stability during the course of treatment in acute COP patients.

DOI: 10.22462/11.12.2017.7