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Physiological responses to prolonged saturation diving: a field-based pilot study

This study aimed to assess the effect of extreme environmental exposure during an operational saturation dive on airway inflammation (exhaled nitric oxide (FeNo)), components of fitness (flexibility and aerobic capacity) and blood hematological variables. Six saturation divers, who undertook a 26 ± 0.5 day operational saturation dive were recruited to take part in this study. Participants completed a field-based repeated measure test battery on three occasions (pre-dive, post-dive and 24 hours after saturation dive). Hemoglobin concentration was significantly (P<0.001) reduced from pre- (15.3±0.8 g/dL) to post- saturation (14.25±1.2 g/dL) dive but recovered toward baseline values within 24 hours (15.13±1.03 g/dL; P=0.04). 

Similarly, a reduction in plasma volume was observed in all participants from pre- to post-saturation dive trials. Airway inflammation response was non-significant, although a large inter-individual response was evident. Hip flexion, assessed by the sit and reach test did not change following the saturation dive. Data on aerobic capacity was collected in one participant only, due to practical difficulties in participant access. 

In summary, this is the first investigation to conduct a multiple-component field-based study on operational saturation divers. The findings for this exploratory study present interesting groundings for further investigation. 

DOI: 10.22462/11.12.2017.9