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Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of the neoprene wetsuit in non-immersed divers

A neoprene wetsuit is widely used to reduce thermal dispersion during diving. Recent observations have pointed out that elastic recoil of the wetsuit might have significant compressive effects, able to affect water and electrolyte homeostasis during both dry and immersed conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible cardiovascular and respiratory effects of the neoprene wetsuit in dry conditions in a sample of experienced divers.

Twenty-four (24) healthy divers were evaluated by Doppler-echocardiography and by spirometry in basal conditions and while wearing a full neoprene wetsuit.

During wetsuit conditions, we observed a significant decrease in heart rate (-5%; p<0.05) and cardiac output (-12%; p<0.05), and a significant increase in total peripheral resistances (15%; p<0.05). Moreover, a significant reduction of right ventricular early diastolic filling was observed (-15%; p<0.05). As concerns pulmonary function, a significant reduction of vital capacity (-2%; p<0.001) and expiratory reserve volume (-25%; p<0.001), and a significant increase of inspiratory capacity (9%; p<0.001) and tidal volume (25%; p<0.05) were observed.

These data support the hypothesis that neoprene elastic recoil, possibly due to a compression exerted on chest, might affect systemic circulation (decreasing cardiac output and impairing right ventricular filling) and respiratory function.

DOI: 10.22462/3.4.2017.7