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Risk perception in small-scale fishers and hyperbaric personnel: A risk assessment of hookah diving

Hookah diving is a fishing method used in many small-scale fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, as well as in many coastal fisheries around the world. Many high-value species like sea cucumber and spiny lobster, among others, are harvested via hookah diving. However, the fishing method presents a risk for both decompression illness and carbon monoxide poisoning, both causes of disabilities and death among small-scale fishers, and with significant negative impacts on the social and economic status of households and coastal communities. Currently, there is a misunderstanding among fishers concerning diving risks. Using a mixed-method analysis, this study reports the risk perceptions of small-scale fishers and hyperbaric personnel about hookah diving, and the actual diving accidents which occur in the spiny lobster and sea cucumber fisheries in the Yucatán northeastern ports. The study highlights the need for appropriate fishing technologies and increased awareness among fishers about the consequences of hookah diving. Fishery managers and health services can make priority decisions based on the information generated.

DOI: 10.22462/05.06.2018.7