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A case-control questionnaire survey of decompression sickness risk in Okinawa divers

Background: Decompression sickness (DCS) is a rare condition that is often difficult to diagnose in deep-sea divers. Because of this, prevention and early diagnosis are important. In this case-control study, we examined the risk and preventive factors associated with DCS.

Methods: Our original questionnaire survey was conducted among 269 recreational divers in Okinawa. Divers who were diagnosed with DCS by a physician (n = 94) were compared with healthy recreational divers (n = 175). The questionnaire consisted of 30 items and included a dive profile. Odds ratios and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to estimate the relative risk of DCS.

Results: Logistic regression analysis revealed the following risk factors for DCS: a past history of DCS, drinking alcohol the evening before diving, indicating decompression stops, cold exposure after the dive, and maximum depth. Preventive factors included hydration before the dive, deep stops, safety stops and using nitrox gas. The results were reliable according to the Hosmer-Lemeshow and omnibus tests.

Conclusion: We identified certain risk factors, together with their relative risks, for DCS. These risk factors may facilitate prevention of DCS among Okinawa divers.

DOI: 10.22462/01.02.2018.6