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Multiple and early hyperbaric oxygen treatments enhance muscle healing after muscle contusion injury: a pilot study

Background: The optimal timing of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) treatments for the best recovery following muscle injury has yet to be determined. Thus, the optimal number and timing of HBO2 treatments for maximal muscle regeneration were explored. 

Methods: The HBO2 treatment protocol consisted of 2.5 ATA 100% oxygen for 120 minutes. Muscle-injured rats were randomized to one of 10 groups: single HBO2 treatment immediately after injury (HBO 1T day 0), one day (HBO 1T day 1), three days (HBO 1T day 3) and five days (HBO 1T day 5) after injury; three HBO2 treatments from immediately after injury to two days after injury (HBO 3T day 0-2), from one to three days after injury (HBO 3T day 1-3), from three to five days after injury (HBO 3T day 3-5), from five to seven days after injury (HBO 3T day 5-7); five daily HBO2 treatments (HBO 5T); and no treatment (NT). 

Results: HBO 5T and HBO 3T day 0-2, days 1-3 and days 3-5 significantly promoted CD206-positive cell infiltration, satellite cell differentiation and muscle regeneration compared to the NT group. 

Conclusion: Five HBO2 treatments and three HBO2 treatments within three days of injury promote muscle regeneration.
