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Acclimatization to diving: a systematic review

Multiday hyperbaric exposure has been shown to reduce the incidence of decompression sickness (DCS) of compressed-air workers. This effect, termed acclimatization, has been addressed in a number of studies, but no comprehensive review has been published. This systematic review reports the findings of a literature search. PubMed, Ovid Embase, The Cochrane Library and Rubicon Research Repository were searched for studies reporting DCS incidence, venous gas embolism (VGE) or subjective health reports after multiday hyperbaric exposure in man and experimental animals. Twenty-nine studies fulfilled inclusion criteria. Three epidemiological studies reported statistically significant acclimatization to DCS in compressedair workers after multiday hyperbaric exposure. One experimental study observed less itching after standardized simulated dives. Two human experimental studies reported lower DCS incidence after multiday immersed diving.  Acclimatization to DCS has been observed in six animal species. Multiday diving had less consistent effect on VGE after hyperbaric exposure in man. Four studies observed acclimatization while no statistically significant acclimatization was reported in the remaining eight studies. A questionnaire study did not report any change in self-perceived health after multiday diving. This systematic review has not identified any study suggesting a sensitizing effect of multiday diving, and there is a lack of data supporting benefit of a day off diving after a certain number of consecutive diving days. The results suggest that multiday hyperbaric exposure probably will have an acclimatizing effect and protects from DCS. The mechanisms causing acclimatization, extent of protection and optimal procedure for acclimatization has been insufficiently investigated.

DOI: 10.22462/03.04.2021.3