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Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen after microtia reconstruction using costal cartilage: A retrospective case-control study


Murao N, Oyama A, Yamamoto Y, Funayama E, Ishikawa K, Maeda T. Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen after microtia reconstruction using costal cartilage: A retrospective case-control study. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2023 Fourth Quarter; 50(4):413-419.

Introduction: Microtia reconstruction with autologous costal cartilage framework grafting is challenging because the three-dimensional structure of the ear is highly complex, and meeting the high aesthetic demands of patients can be difficult. If the skin flap overlying the framework is thinned to achieve a smooth and accentuated outline, a poor blood supply in the thin skin flap may lead to skin necrosis, exposure of the framework, and poor surgical results. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy can promote the healing of complex wounds and flaps. This study sought to determine the effectiveness of HBO2 therapy for the prevention of postoperative complications after framework grafting in microtia reconstruction.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated postoperative complications and compared outcomes in pediatric patients who underwent costal cartilage grafting for microtia reconstruction at our institution between 2011 and 2015, according to whether or not they received postoperative HBO2 therapy. HBO2 therapy was applied once daily for a total of 10 sessions starting on the first postoperative day.

Results: During the study period, eight patients received HBO2 therapy after costal cartilage grafting, and 12 did not. There was no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative ulcers. However, the incidence of framework exposure was lower, and the healing time was shorter in patients who received HBO2 therapy than in those who did not.

Discussion: HBO2 therapy can be used safely in pediatric patients to reduce postoperative complications and improve the aesthetic outcome of microtia reconstruction. After costal cartilage grafting, HBO2 therapy should be considered as adjuvant therapy.

Keywords: adjuvant therapy; compromised flap; ear reconstruction; pediatric patient; tissue perfusion; wound healing