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ARTERIAL INSUFFICIENCIES Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Selected Problem Wounds

There are sound fundamental reasons why additional oxygen may have benefits in the treatment of non-DFU wounds. It is easy to extrapolate that where there is a minimum level of tissue oxygenation required for wound healing, more oxygen in the form of HBO2 would improve healing even further. The challenge is determining whether there is evidence to support this extrapolation. Every wound that takes longer than expected to heal is a problem wound for that patient, so what makes HBO2 acceptable for the treatment of some wounds and not for others?


DOI number: To come

There are sound fundamental reasons why additional oxygen may have benefits in the treatment of non-DFU wounds. It is easy to extrapolate that where there is a minimum level of tissue oxygenation required for wound healing, more oxygen in the form of HBO2 would improve healing even further. The challenge is determining whether there is evidence to support this extrapolation. Every wound that takes longer than expected to heal is a problem wound for that patient, so what makes HBO2 acceptable for the treatment of some wounds and not for others?

DOI Number: 10.22462/03.07.2020.11