From the 2023 3rd Quarter Pressure

Third Quarter 2023
The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting was held June 16-18 in San Diego, California and was a big success. The meeting was well attended and the feedback we have received has been mostly positive. Thank you to all of the people who worked very hard to make this event happen. Mark your calendars for ASM 2024 which will be held in New Orleans from June 13-15. The planning committee has already began preparations.
In-person courses that should be on your radar include the Medical Examiner of Divers course which will be held this year from September 21-24 in New Orleans. This course is designed to prepare medical providers to examine commercial, sport, scientific and other related public service divers and determine their fitness to dive. The Physicians Training in Diving Medicine (PTDM) course will be held from October 16-26 in San Diego. This course is designed to train physicians in the recognition and treatment of diving medical emergencies. I look forward to seeing all of the new Fellows at PTDM.
Online and virtual educational options include the UHMS Program for Advanced Training in Hyperbaric Medicine (PATH) which confers an advanced level Certification of Added Qualification (CAQ) as well as the virtual UHMS Chapter Meetings. Check the UHMS website for dates and topics with the next one being the Northeast Chapter hosting Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine on Saturday October 14, 2023.
I encourage all of you to take advantage of the myriad educational opportunities that our society offers.
- Pete Witucki