From the 2023 4th Quarter Pressure

Multicenter Hyperbaric Outcomes Registry: 2023 Q4 Update
The Multicenter Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment includes 26 centers that agree to enter standard outcome measures on all the patients they see. These data are being published to inform the medical community about the uses of hyperbaric oxygen treatment and the outcomes.
Recent Manuscripts from The Multicenter HBOT Registry
Two manuscripts based on registry data have been submitted recently and are under review:
Manuscript #1, Submitted to the Journal of Medical Internet Research:
“Emerging Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment: A Registry Cohort Study”
Hideaki L. Tanaka, MD et al. for The Multicenter Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Consortium
This retrospective study describes the outcomes from cases within the registry that were outside of the 14 established diagnoses approved for HBO2 by UHMS. It highlights how that information can potentially promote further study of and use of HBO2.
Summary of other indications. Some of the indications were case series with several cases. Others were case reports of individual cases.
Indication | Total | Indication | Total |
Post COVID syndrome | 148 | Vasculitic ulcer | 1 |
Ulcerative colitis | 45 | BK virus cystitis | 1 |
Crohn's disease | 34 | Levamisole vasculitis | 1 |
Calciphylaxis | 18 | Graft vs host disease | 1 |
Peripheral vascular disease ulcer | 11 | Decubitus ulcer | 1 |
Acute COVID-19 | 9 | Greater trochanteric pain syndrome | 1 |
Frostbite | 7 | Rectovaginal fistula | 1 |
Pterygium | 7 | Argon poisoning | 1 |
Osteonecrosis/Avascular necrosis | 6 | Pouchitis | 1 |
Pyoderma gangrenosum | 5 | Chemotherapy-related bladder ulcer | 1 |
Head trauma | 5 | Post-surgery in irradiated tissue | 1 |
Infected implanted hardware | 5 | Recurrent perianal abscess | 1 |
Pneumatosis intestinalis | 4 | Tinnitus | 1 |
Facial filler | 4 | Clostridium enterocolitis | 1 |
Ischemic bowel | 3 | Ligament/Cartilage injury | 1 |
Raynaud's syndrome | 2 | Branch retinal artery occlusion | 1 |
Malignant otitis externa | 2 | Axonotmesis | 1 |
Non arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy | 2 | Non healing bowel anastomosis | 1 |
Central retinal vein occlusion | 2 | Multiple sclerosis | 1 |
Cyclophosphamide cystitis | 2 | Inclusion body myositis | 1 |
Femoral head necrosis | 1 | Epidermolysis bullosa | 1 |
Invasive fungal infection | 1 | ||
Chronic anal fissure | 1 |
Fistula Discharge Crohn’s Violin Chart
Reported fistula discharge pre and post HBO2 in patients with Crohn’s disease who had complete pre and post HBO2 data
Manuscript #2, Submitted to the Journal of Urology :
“Patient Reported Outcome Measures following Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radiation Cystitis: Results from the Multicenter Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy”
Rachel Moses MD, MH, et al., for The Multicenter Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Consortium
This was a prospective cohort study looking at registry patients treated for radiation cystitis. The results show a significant association between HBOT and improved patient-reported urinary symptoms.
Urogenital distress inventory scores
Urogenital Distress Inventory scores pre/post HBO2
Hematuria Scores pre and post HBO2
Mean and median Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) hematuria scores pre and post HBO2 therapy
The multicenter registry is a valuable tool for evaluating standardized treatment outcomes, both in established and emerging indications for HBO2.
If your center is not already contributing to the registry, please consider joining the consortium! More information may be obtained through this link: