From the 2024 2nd Quarter Pressure

Pressure 2nd Quarter 2024 – President’s Message
This is my final President’s Message after serving my two-year term. At the UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans this June, I will pass the gavel to the very capable Dr. Owen O’Neill.
When I assumed the role of UHMS President at the UHMS ASM in Reno, Nevada, in 2022, we were coming out of the COVID pandemic, and it was our first live meeting in several years. As I reflect on these past two years, I feel very thankful for our organization and all that it offers:
UHMS Staff: John Peters (Executive Director), Lisa Tidd (Membership and Meeting Planning), Stacy Harmon (ACCME and Education), Eric vanBok (Web Development), Lorrie Coté (Publications), Derall Garrett (Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation), Beth Hands (HFA Coordinator), Dave Hostler (Journal Editor), Enrico Camporesi (Editor Emeritus), Renee Duncan (Previous Managing Editor), Alyson Boyer Rode (AV), Gia Castellino (CPA), Sherill White-Wolfe (ASM volunteer), Lora Garrett (ASM volunteer).
UHMS Colleagues: Our organization has so many talented and generous people who are always willing to give their time and expertise. These people have stepped up when we need speakers, educators, policy writers, committee members, and more.
UHMS Education: I cannot wait to see what we come up with next, given the wonderful educational content our organization provides, such as our annual scientific meetings, chapter meetings, PATH course, medical examination of divers’ course, and physicians training in diving medicine course.
UHMS Financials: Has become strong and remains strong under the watchful eyes of Dr. Helen Gelly and John Peters.
UHMS Initiatives: From policy statements to supporting research initiatives to the Indications Manual. Stay tuned for the new UHMS STEM Program to support future scientists.
UHMS Committees: A big shout out to all members who give their time and energy to get the important work done at the committee level. It definitely matters.
UHMS Board of Directors: Thank you to the Members at Large who have served with me on the BOD. Your thoughtfulness and willingness to speak your mind have been greatly appreciated. The SBAR format has allowed for efficiency and production. Meeting time length is down and production is up.
Serving these two years as President of a truly remarkable organization filled with such talented people has been a pleasure.
See you in New Orleans.