From the 2023 4th Quarter Pressure

Fourth Quarter 2023
As I write this message, we have just concluded the UHMS Physician’s Training in Diving Medicine Course (PTDM) 2023. We had a great turnout with 44 physicians in attendance, including the HBO fellows and several Wilderness Medicine Fellows. The class was very engaged, asked great questions, and was more than willing to get involved in the hands-on teaching. In addition to exceptional lectures by some of the world experts, we had several days of practical experience, which included: Myringotomy Lab using 3D printed ear models (thank you, Dr. Charles Coffey, Head and Neck surgeon), Hyperbaric Simulation Day (thank you, Adrian Garay for the use of your facility and chambers), Pool Day (thank you, Dr. Richard Sadler for arranging all the diving gear and instructors), Surface Supplied Diving Day with Emergency Procedures (thank you, US Navy SWRMC Command for providing this training and allowing the students to turn valves and operate your chamber). This is the fourth year we have run this course, and I am always so impressed by the engagement of the students and the talent of the instructors. Next year, the course will run from October 14-24, 2024.
Other great educational opportunities offered through the UHMS include:
- Medical Examination of Divers Course: offered every year in September in New Orleans.
- PATH Course: modules are offered online, and the next hands-on simulation day is April 5, 2024, in Hawaii.
- Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting: March 9, 2024 topic: Wound Care
- Mid-West Chapter Meeting: May 4,2024 topic: Diving Medicine
- Pacific Coast Chapter Meeting: August 10, 2024 topic: Clinical HBO
- Northeast Chapter Meeting: October 12, 2024 topic: Hyperbaric Safety
I encourage all of you to take advantage of the myriad educational opportunities that our society offers.
Mark your calendars for the UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, June 12-15, in New Orleans.