From the 2023 2nd Quarter Pressure

Two Decades of Excellence
As we start off a new year, here are a few things to help make the survey process easier or maintain your accreditation.
Some organizations are special. They go that extra mile and their successes are a measure of their willingness to do just that. Such dedication deserves to be acknowledged, and we at the UHMS have just the names for such recognition.
We are pleased to honor 15 special hyperbaric facilities this year. These facilities have now been accredited for more than 20 years. With their dedication to excellence, these facilities have put themselves through the rigorous survey process time and time again. They have worked hard to achieve the highest quality in hyperbaric medicine and have demonstrated their willingness to maintain it.
As I think back to the beginning of the accreditation program 20 years ago, facilities like these were instrumental in helping us to develop the concepts, aims, and endpoints of today’s surveys. Their support over the years has not only made the community of hyperbaric medicine stronger but maintained the gold standard for their patient care and, by doing this, they have become models for others to follow.
These hyperbaric facilities have achieved UHMS Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation for 20-plus years:
The Hyperbaric Medicine Service Poudre Valley Hospital
Ft Collins, CO
The Hyperbaric Medicine Service Memorial Hospital
Colorado Springs, CO
Center for Hyperbaric Medicine & Environmental Physiology Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
Center for Hyperbaric Medicine Virginia Mason Medical Center
Seattle, WA
HyperbarXS at Kennestone
Marietta, GA
Memorial Hermann Center for Hyperbaric Medicine Memorial Hermann Hospital
Houston, TX
Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Center North Kansas City Hospital
North Kansas City, MO
Wound Healing Institute Advent Health Carrollwood
Tampa, FL
Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Clinic Brooke Army Medical Center
Brooks City Base, San Antonio, TX
Center for Comprehensive Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center
Milwaukee, WI
Center for Comprehensive Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Aurora West Allis Medical Center
West Allis, WI
Center for Comprehensive Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine Aurora Medical Center, Washington Co.
Hartford, WI
Hyperbaric Medicine Department LDS Hospital
Salt Lake City, UT
Hyperbaric Medicine Department Redlands Community Hospital
Redlands, CA
Hyperbaric Medicine & Wound Care Center Upstate University Hospital
Syracuse, NY
This dedication should not go unnoticed. We have accredited 280 facilities in over 20 years. During this time, these 15 facilities have shown their devotion to their patients and staff with accreditation with the UHMS Hyperbaric Facilities Accreditation program.
Congratulations on achieving this milestone, 20 years is a long journey. I want to thank all involved at your facility for their support of the Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation program.
- Derall Garrett