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Complications after Covid-19 infection in Singapore military divers: A retrospective cohort study


Corresponding Author

Nah Chung Wei

MBBS (S’pore), DWD (CAW), MRCS

Navy Medical Service, Republic of Singapore Navy

Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital, Singapore



Navy Medical Service, Republic of Singapore Navy, AFPN 6060, 126 Tanah Merah Coast Road, Singapore 498822



Kwek Wei Ming

MBBS (S’pore), DWD (CAW), MRCS

Navy Medical Service, Republic of Singapore Navy

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Changi General Hospital, Singapore




Studies suggest that COVID-19 infections may have longer-term and more significant complications, even with mild or absent symptoms. This may predispose divers to pulmonary barotrauma, arterial gas embolisms, and reduced exercise tolerance, and impact physical and cognitive performance during diving. Military diving is physically, physiologically, and psychologically taxing on the individual. This study aims to assess the incidence of complications after COVID-19 infections in a cohort of active military divers and the incidence of diving-related injuries such as decompression sickness and barotrauma following recovery from acute COVID-19 infections. 

A single-center, retrospective cohort study of complications after COVID-19 infections was done in a cohort of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) Naval Diving Unit (NDU) Divers and involved the collection of retrospective data for 329 military divers who were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection from 25 Mar 2020 and 13 Feb 2023. 

We found no clinical or subclinical complications after COVID-19 infection in our fully vaccinated, low-risk population of NDU divers after asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 infection. There were also no incidences of diving-related injuries related to COVID-19 after recovery from the acute illness. 

Based on the study results, it is recommended that all military divers with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 infections return to military diving activities immediately after recovery from acute COVID-19 infection with resolution of symptoms. As existing guidelines recommend, divers with moderate to critical COVID-19 infection should be reviewed by a diving physician and undergo necessary investigations before returning to military diving.


Keywords: barotrauma; COVID-19; decompression sickness; diving medicine; military diving

Key points: This study aims to assess the incidence of complications after COVID-19 infections in a cohort of active military divers and the incidence of diving-related injuries such as decompression sickness and barotrauma following recovery from acute COVID-19 infections.


