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Severe carbon monoxide poisonings in scuba divers: Asia-Pacific cases and causation

Aim: Reports of fatal incidents in recreational scuba divers from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning are rare. This study aimed to identify scuba fatalities in the Asia-Pacific region caused by breathing-gas contamination to better understand the likely sources of contamination and reduce such preventable deaths. 

Methods: A hand search of Project Stickybeak reports, subsequent Australian fatality series reports, and of published New Zealand diving fatality reports and associated data was conducted, as well as key word searches of the National Coronial Information System for scuba fatalities in Australia and New Zealand. Cases identified were matched with the Australasian Diving Safety Foundation diving fatality database. Available reports were examined.

Results: Four scuba deaths resulting from CO poisoning were identified from 645 scuba fatalities, including one report from each of Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the Maldives. A near-fatal incident was also identified in Indonesia. Two of the fatal incidents and the near-fatal incident involved internal combustion engine exhaust gases from the compressor system or elsewhere entering the air intake. Two deaths likely resulted from combustion within compressor systems. 

Conclusions: Scuba fatalities from CO poisoning are uncommon, albeit likely under-reported. Sources of CO include exhaust gases entering the compressor and CO production by pyrolysis or gasification within the compressor or its filter system. Preventive measures include proper installation (including positioning of the air intake relative to combustion exhaust), appropriate maintenance, fitting of pressure-maintaining valves and avoidance of overheating. Formal training of compressor operators, improved diver education, mandatory requirements for installation compliance assessments, safety inspections, and the use of carbon monoxide alarms are recommended.
