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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and fluorescence angiography in arterial insufficiency secondary to injection of crushed hydromorphone

Introduction: Foreign body emboli can lead to acute arterial insufficiency. We present a case report of upper extremity arterial insufficiency in an intravenous (IV) drug user secondary to intra-arterial injection of crushed tablet particles successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy. 

   Case: A 37-year-old right-hand-dominant male developed pain and swelling of the left hand after attempting to inject crushed hydromorphone tablets into his venous circulation. Angiography revealed incomplete distal filling of the proper digital arteries, princeps pollicis, and radialis indicis branches of the left hand. The patient was treated with HBO2 for acute arterial insufficiency, secondary to these findings. Fluorescence angiography was performed prior to, during and after completion of HBO2, which showed improved perfusion of the hand upon completion of serial imaging. The patient underwent subsequent partial amputation of the left second digit and removal of the thenar and third finger pads.

   Discussion: Much of the literature on treatment of arterial insufficiency with HBO2 are in relation to chronic problem wounds. However, there is limited data on adjunctive treatment with HBO2 for foreign body embolism. Fluorescence angiography and clinical exam were used to track tissue perfusion and progression throughout course of therapy with HBO2

   Conclusion: Acute arterial insufficiency induced by foreign body embolism was successfully treated with HBO2and provided increased tissue salvage of the patient’s hand. The use of fluorescence angiography as a secondary measure of perfusion can provide additional insight regarding qualitative tissue oxygenation and may be a viable tool to track patient progress during HBO2 treatment.  
