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Brain stem and spinal cord demyelination due to acute carbon monoxide poisoning

Demyelination throughout the brain stem and spinal cord caused by acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning has not been previously reported. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has revealed that acute CO poisoning primarily affects the subcortical white matter of the bilateral cerebral hemispheres and basal ganglia. Here we report the case of a patient with delayed neuropsychological sequelae (DNS) due to acute CO poisoning. A 28-year-old man was admitted to our department following a suicide attempt by acute CO poisoning. After a six-month pseudo-recovery period, he was diagnosed with DNS, with MRI evidence of demyelinating change of the bilateral cerebral peduncles. Demyelination was identified throughout the brain stem, expanding from the bilateral cerebral peduncles to the medulla oblongata, occurring approximately six months after poisoning. One and a half years after acute CO poisoning, demyelination of the cervical and thoracic spine was observed, most notable in the lateral and posterior cords. It is evident that previously published research on this topic is extremely limited. Perhaps in severe cases of acute CO poisoning the fatality rate is higher, leading to fewer surviving cases for possible study. This may be because a more severe case of acute CO poisoning would result in the higher likelihood of secondary demyelination. This research indicates that clinicians should be aware of the risk of secondary demyelination and take increased precautions such as vitamin B supplementation and administration of low-dose corticosteroids for an extended period of time in order to reduce the extent and severity of demyelination. 
