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Platelet activation in rabbits with decompression sickness

Platelets are the most easily altered type of peripheral blood cell in decompression sickness (DCS), which can feature decreased platelet count and the appearance of platelet microparticles in plasma. We hypothesized that DCS results in platelet activation in the bloodstream. The present study was carried out on 45 rabbits. The platelet count and concentration of plasma platelet markers were determined in 35 rabbits; the platelet shape was observed under scanning electron microscope in 10 rabbits. All indexes were collected at two points: 24 hours before the simulated dive and 30 minutes after the simulated dive. Platelet count decreased noticeably after DCS, from 380.10 ± 73.61 (G/L) to 330.23 ± 115.72 (G/L), a change of approximately -13.49 ± 25.57 (%). Platelet count was further decreased in the severe DCS group (a change of -45.99 ± 18.57%). Platelet count after DCS was proportional to the survival time of the rabbits after DCS. The concentration of two plasma platelet markers (PF4 and BTG) did not demonstrate statistically significant change at 30 minutes after DCS. However, platelet shape was changed, and the following features were observed: oblong, distortion, flattening shape, sticking together, mixing of membrane, and abundance of pseudopods with a 100- to 200-nm diameter. We conclude there is platelet activation in the bloodstream in cases of DCS.

DOI Number: 10.22462/10.12.2020.9