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Diving medical officers as hospitalists: a case of arterial gas embolism following a routine GI procedure

Arterial gas embolism is a well-described and frequently seen injury encountered in both civilian and military diving operations. It is becoming increasingly reported and potentially increasingly more common in the hospital environment as a complication of more frequent gastroenterology procedures. We present a case of a 49-year-old, active-duty female who developed significant left-sided neurological deficits manifesting as diffuse left-sided weakness, subjective confusion, and severe headache following esophagogastroduodenoscopy. With increased clinical suspicion for arterial gas embolism, the patient was evaluated by the hyperbaric medicine team at our facility and subsequently treated to near-resolution of symptoms by multiple hyperbaric oxygen treatments. This case highlights the importance of considering this rare complication during or following common invasive procedures. Furthermore, the unique training and experience of physicians with expertise in diving medicine and their ability to recognize these types of injury in the hospital setting highlights the importance of continued training in these fields within Military Medicine in addition to civilian Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine fellowships.

DOI Number: 10.22462/10.12.2020.11