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Is decompression illness possible during hyperbaric therapy? A case report

A 57-year-old woman was admitted to the intensive care unit in a state of severe hypotensive shock following a session of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy. Shock was attributed to gastric barotrauma, which resulted in a massive venous gas embolism. Gastric barotrauma was attributed to the presence of a filled gastric band/cuff during the HBO2 therapy that prevented expanding gas from escaping on decompression. 

After deflation of the gastric band, two additional HBO2 sessions were performed and resulted in complete symptom resolution. Vasoactive drugs could be weaned, and the patient was discharged from hospital on Day Three with complete symptom resolution. Given the risk of gastric barotrauma and venous gas embolism, physicians should be aware of gastric band history before HBO2 therapy.

DOI: 10.22462/5.6.2017.9