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UHMS Medical Fitness to Work Guidelines for Multiplace Inside Attendants 1st edition

Report of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Safety Committee of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society

This document was written and reviewed by members of the Safety Committee of the UHMS and approved by the UHMS Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) acknowledges the work of the authors and the UHMS Safety Committee. It is our hope that this publication will prove helpful to practitioners in the field of hyperbaric medicine. The subject matter in this guide refers to the medical fitness of inside attendants (IAs) to work in a compressed-gas environment.

This publication does not replace or supersede any local, state or institutional code or standard. It is a guideline put together by experts in the field, to be used as a reference in evaluating the health and tness to work of multiplace IAs.

Users of this publication are invited to visit the UHMS web site (www.membership.uhms.org) for more information and are invited to email comments or questions to uhms@uhms.org.

DOI: 10.22462/03.04.2018.11